Burt Herman

Come for the ONA conference, stay for the hacking

Hacks/Hackers is hosting a hackathon in conjunction with the annual Online News Association conference that is being held Oct. 28-30 this year in Washington DC. We’re calling it Hacks/Hackers/Hacking. With all the journalistic and Web talent gathered in one place, this will be an amazing chance for people to work together aside from the usual newsroom rush. We also want to draw people from across the DC technology and media community.

Sep 24, 2010

Congratulations Corey Takahashi: Winner of the Hacks/Hackers scholarship to Poynter

We’re delighted to announce that freelance journalist Corey Takahashi is the winner of the Hacks/Hackers scholarship to Poynter’s workshop on programming for journalists / journalism for programming. Based in Los Angeles, Corey is planning to apply the digital skills from the Poynter workshop to revisit demographic trends that he wrote about during the 2000 Census through a data-focused lens. As part of his trip, Corey also will create a video reflecting on what he learns at the workshop and lessons from bringing together the cultures of journalism and programming — and we’ll be sure to post that here.

Jul 28, 2010

Thanks Boston for our first get-together

Thank you everyone who turned out for the first Hacks/Hackers gathering in Boston! We had a great crowd that mixed with attendees from the Knight Foundation’s conference on the Future of News Civic Media, with people from local news organizations like The Boston Globe and Boston.com, the Nieman Journalism Lab and also startups like pinyadda. A photo is below, and check out more at the Boston meetup page: http://meetupbos.hackshackers.com

Jun 18, 2010

The iPad is digital paper

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my iPad. And much of that came from all the confusion and debate over what the iPad actually is. Is it a big iPhone that can’t make calls? Is it a netbook replacement that doesn’t have a camera? Is it a laptop replacement without a keyboard or multitasking? Is it a TV replacement that can’t play Flash video? I was frustrated that my iPad didn’t live up to the hype.

Jun 9, 2010

Hacks/Hackers coming to NYC on June 2

The word is out and already more than 100 people have signed up to attend the first Hacks/Hackers gathering in New York on June 2. Please sign up to attend at http://meetupnyc.hackshackers.com. The first event will be focused on getting to know each other and assembling the wider journo-tech community to talk about what events you’d like to see in the future. Hacks/Hackers co-founders Burt Herman and Aron Pilhofer will talk about the goals of the organization.

May 23, 2010

Hacks/Hackers Unite: Our first storytelling/hacking event, May 21-23

Hacks/Hackers began as a meetup, but the vision for the group is about more than social gatherings. There’s already been so much talk about the future of journalism. We wanted to create a community of people leading the charge and building that future. We’re moving ahead with more of that plan. Hacks/Hackers is partnering with KQED, the leading public radio station in the country, to host its first workshop event May 21-23.

Apr 20, 2010