Julia Haslanger

Newsletter: Oct. 7, 2015

All around the world last week, Hacks/Hackers chapters met on topics as varied as web scraping in Python to net neutrality to new storytelling techniques at Zeit Online. In New York City, a panel of four professor/journalists talked about the joys and challenges of teaching data + journalism. A couple of photos: The week ahead for Hacks/Hackers: Hacks/Hackers-IRE in Columbia, Mo., will be talking about how to create custom map styles with TileMill.

Oct 7, 2015

Newsletter: Sept. 30, 2015

Last week Hacks/Hackers chapters around the world tackled a ton of great topics: developer newsroom culture, chat apps, experimental video approaches, interactive news web apps in Angular and so much more. On a personal note, it was wonderful to meet some Hacks/Hackers organizers at the Online News Association conference in Los Angeles last week. I hope to find more chances to meet Hacks/Hackers organizers and members face-to-face. Y’all are a good group of folks.

Sep 30, 2015

Newsletter: Sept. 23, 2015

Welcome to the new Hacks/Hackers weekly newsletter. This newsletter aims to be a service to you – a way for you to learn from and about what’s going on in the 75(!) Hacks/Hackers chapters around the world. The newsletter has four parts (for now – ’til you suggest others): “Chapter spotlight” gives you a quick window into the life of one chapter. If you’d like to nominate a chapter (or an exceptional organizer), let me (Julia Haslanger, the author of this newsletter) know.

Sep 23, 2015

Sign up for Hacks/Hackers new newsletter

We’re launching a new newsletter as a way for you to learn from and about what’s going on in the more than 70(!) Hacks/Hackers chapters around the world. Each newsletter will include a list of upcoming events, a section spotlighting an interesting chapter or member, a few links about industry news or other popular topics, and a suggested call to action if you want to get more involved. Sign up below, or at http://bit.

Sep 18, 2015