Samantha Sunne

Mozart and Marx

Greetings, hacks and hackers! The enormous NICAR and SXSW conferences wrapped up last week in the U.S. - not to mention the three events in London - and we’re back to business. Check out Berlin’s three speakers this week, or the website for more upcoming local events. Don't miss our next chapter on 13th of March. We'll meet @zeitonline and have amazing speakers for you! — Hacks/Hackers Berlin (@HacksHackersBER) March 6, 2018 The week ahead:

Mar 11, 2018

New events this month, and the global call

It’s already March, hacks and hackers, and that means conferences and events are picking back up again. This week, London is hosting three digital journalism convenings alone: Newsrewired, the Changing Media Summit, and Digital Media Strategies. Scroll down to see all the other events happening this month. Speakers from Facebook, Bloomberg and BBC News Labs join us at newsrewired next week. See you there? — (@journalismnews) February 28, 2018 And don’t forget our monthly planning call!

Mar 2, 2018

Meetups in Singapore, San Francisco, New Orleans

We’re nearly at the end of February, hacks and hackers! We’ve got a big lineup of local events this week - Brisbane is questioning whether data reporting is a fad, Singapore is Visualizing Singapore, and New Orleans is holding an Open Data Day hackathon. There are hundreds of #OpenDataDay events happening around the world - to find one near you, check the registry here. Over 200 events now on the map for #OpenDataDay 2018!

Feb 18, 2018

Scotland and Rome join the Hacks/Hackers clan

Welcome, hacks and hackers! This week let’s give a big welcome to our two newest meetups, Rome and Scotland. Pass the word on to your friends in Italy and the UK, and keep an eye out for new events. #HacksHackers #Rome will be holding its first #meetup later this month. Mark your calendars! — Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) February 16, 2018 The week ahead: Kampala is meeting with the Solutions Journalism Network Nairobi is discussing trust in the media Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Worth a read:

Feb 18, 2018

Global call coming up on Wednesday

Happy Sunday, hacks and hackers! We have our global call coming up this week, so if you want to hear about local event funding, MisinfoCon events and other H/H happenings, tune in here: The week ahead: Abuja and Lagos are organizing meetups Johannesburg is messing with treasury data Bogota is fact-checking elections Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs Worth a read: After 12 years in existence, Twitter has turned a profit (Quartz) Runrun.

Feb 11, 2018

Global call postponed one week

Welcome to February, hacks and hackers! Typically, the first newsletter of the month is where we announce the global planning call, but this month we’re pushing it back to the following week. We’ll see you Wednesday, February 14th at the usual time: Worth a read: A lot of Internet users say they get their news from social media and not “The Media,” but this latest Pew survey shows mainstream media is the most popular source for social media posters (NiemanLab) What, exactly, is an engagement reporter?

Feb 4, 2018

Grants still available for local events

Hey, hacks and hackers! You may notice a few events in the week ahead are involved in the fight against misinformation. That’s because H/H is offering small grants to local groups who want to do a misinformation-related event. There is still a hefty pile of money in the pot, so please apply: If you're a local #HacksHackers organizer, we'd like to help with a #misinformation-related event: — Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) January 27, 2018 The week ahead:

Jan 28, 2018

New funding opportunities this year

Greetings, hacks and hackers! We have a plethora of new opportunities for you this week, including: Fact Forward, a funding program for innovative fact-checking projects a Tunisia-based prize for media entrepreneurship OpenNews’ ticket+travel scholarship for travel to journalism- and tech-related events Some of those have applications due soon. Check out these opportunities and others at the bottom of the newsletter. If there's a journo/tech event that you want to go to, but need help to go, apply for the @opennews scholarship program by THIS WEDS 1/24.

Jan 21, 2018

New year, new chapters

Hope your 2018 is getting off to a good start, hacks and hackers. Last year saw the addition of seven new groups to the Hacks/Hackers family: Casablanca, Yaounde, Abuja, Havana, Kuala Lumpur, Quito and South Wales x South West. We want to see even more new chapters next year. If you’re interested in being an organizer, or know someone who is, let us know! We may even already have a co-organizer for you.

Jan 14, 2018

2018 begins with new chapters, new job opps

Welcome to 2018, hacks and hackers. We’ve updated the Groups page with a few new chapters: Yaounde, Cameroon, and Abuja, Nigeria, and have a few more in the works. Welcome! Worth a read: Just one more 2017 roundup: Journalist’s Resource put together a review of the year’s research on social media and digital spaces (NiemanLab) The German government is about to start enforcing its ban on misinformation and hate speech, mostly targeting Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (BBC) CJR profiled five local news networks that have sprouted in the U.

Jan 7, 2018