Welcome to another Friday, hacks and hackers! We’ve got a bigger announcement than usual this week:
.@HacksHackers, @firstdraftnews and @niemanfdn present Misinfocon: A summit on misinformation 2/24-26 @medialab: https://t.co/DjaEJSoDHE
— Burt Herman (@burtherman) January 25, 2017 Several Hacks/Hackers organizers, including Jenny 8. Lee, Burt Herman and Phillip Smith, have launched an anti-fake news event called MisinfoCon in Boston. It’s coming up in one short month, so put it on your calendar and tell your colleagues.
Happy Friday, hacks and hackers. After a winter hibernation (or summer nap, for those in the southern hemisphere), seven Hacks/Hackers chapters are holding their first events of 2017, including in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa.
Join #HHNBO on Tue 24, 6 – 8 pm for a discussion on fake news & the media @NairobiGarage Ngong Rd. Sign up here: https://t.co/y28lQM2rzB pic.twitter.com/1qn3KxXVfH
— Hacks/Hackers Africa (@HHAfrica) January 20, 2017 The week ahead:
It’s a new year, hacks and hackers, and newsrooms seem to be ushering in the new: more than two dozen job openings were posted since our last newsletter, ranging from Research Professor to Motion Graphics Editor. The Washington Post alone named eight new openings on its new rapid-response investigations team.
JOBS: WaPo investigative unit is hiring an assignment editor, 5 reporters, a database reporter, a graphics reporter. https://t.co/mcOjxufZy1
— Alyson Hurt (@alykat) January 9, 2017 Chapter spotlight:
Welcome to a new year, hacks and hackers! 2016 was a tumultuous one for many Hacks/Hackers groups around the world, and 2017 may or may not be more stable. Last week we featured NiemanLab’s predictions for the coming year; this week we look back at ProPublica’s year in visual storytelling.
2016: The Year in Visual & Interactive #Storytelling. #journalism #ddj #datajournalism #dataviz #infographics https://t.co/8UuSWEYo7j
— Lisa J. Ellwood (@IconicImagery) December 31, 2016 Chapter spotlight:
It’s the end of 2016, hacks and hackers, a year of cultural and political trends, movements and upsets. These trends in different regions have led to a serious questioning of transparency (both for governments and journalists), the use of open data and prediction models.
There are certainly enough opinions, think pieces and tweet storms to cover these topics already, so I will focus on what we do best: building the future of news, when we can, and hacking it together when we can’t.
Happy holidays, hacks and hackers, to those of you celebrating. To everyone else, I hope you are staying warm (or cool, depending on your hemisphere). Many chapters are either celebrating or hibernating right about now, but job postings are up in other parts of the world – check out the list below:
Chapter spotlight:
The Hacks/Hackers Africa chapter in Nairobi met last week to discuss how digital activism can aid government accountability, and vice versa.
We’re midway through the coldest months – unless, of course, you live on the southern hemisphere – and techs and reporters are burrowing into projects or warm coats, or both. Montreal, who we featured in October, met for a Pandas and D3 party last week. Check out the chapter spotlight for how organizers in Quebec have been experimenting with their events.
Chapter spotlight:
Roberto Rocha, one of the organizers of Hacks/Hackers Montreal, said the group has been experimenting with meetup formats in order to make it easiest on organizers.
Season’s greetings, hacks and hackers! The holidays are closing in on us – at least on those of us in the western world, and many groups and people are slowing down and starting to hibernate. But not Hacks/Hackers! There’s still time to help us pick a new logo, if you’re so inclined – and check out what local groups are up to next week and onward:
We're got a new #HacksHackers logo in the works.
It’s a new month, hacks and hackers, and if you’ve been reading this a while, you know that means one thing: a Hacks/Hackers global call. Check out the agenda to see what we’ll be chatting about.
If you can’t make it, please take this super short (i.e., four-question) survey to give us some feedback on a new logo:
We're got a new #HacksHackers logo in the works. Want to help us pick?
Greetings, hacks and hackers. A lot of the suggested reads this week follow the same trends as last week: cybersecurity and privacy, fake news and press freedom. On the plus side, there’s a veritable deluge of journalism job postings this week, from San Francisco to Hong Kong to Johannesburg.
The week ahead:
Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting Chapter spotlight: