The Online Journalism Association held its yearly conference this weekend in Denver, Colorado, and Hacks/Hackers was there to celebrate. Abigail Edge has managed to drum up significant interest – including sponsors! – for the relatively new Colorado chapter by holding happy hours during national events like NICAR.
Drinks are on us during @HacksHackersCO #ONA2016 meetup! More details:
— (@namedotcom) September 7, 2016 The week ahead:
London is discussing “interactive imagery” for its September meetup Birmingham is hosting a series of lightning talks Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting Chapter spotlight:
Welcome to another week, hacks and hackers. The Media Party last month saw the creation of several new exciting Meetup groups, like Caracas, Venezuela, and Quito, Ecuador. Spread the word to your friends in the LatAm community!
Les tengo una increíble noticia. Oficialmente tenemos hacks&hackers en Caracas.Únete y planifiquemos ya un encuentro
— Katherine Pennacchio (@KathyPennacchio) September 3, 2016 The week ahead:
Mendoza, Argentina, is holding an open gov hackathon Nairobi is discussing cyber security Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting Colorado is hosting an afterparty for the ONA conference Halifax is getting together to plan their next session Atlanta is teaching “non-coding for hacks” at the Atlanta Press Club Chapter spotlight:
Welcome to September, hacks and hackers, and happy Labor Day to those laboring in the U.S. Tomorrow we’ll be holding our monthly global call at 1500 GMT. Please join in!
The week ahead:
New York is featuring new journalism endeavors on its eighth Demo Day Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting It’s another #HacktheConstitution day in Johannesburg Chapter spotlight:
Happy Monday, hacks and hackers. Quite a few chapters are taking a break this week after a whirlwind of activity last week, and Buenos Aires just wrapped up the Media Party yesterday. Check out the Chapter Spotlight for some of the highlights of that conference.
In other news, registration has officially opened for Connect Toronto! Go here to reserve your spot today.
Registration is now open for @HacksHackers Connect Toronto, Sept 23/24: https://t.
Get ready, hacks and hackers: there are meetups on every continent of the world this week (not counting Antarctica). Not to mention the HHBA Media Party, the biggest Hacks/Hackers event in the world.
The Media Party will bring thousands of hackers, technologists, journalists and media leaders to determine the future of media in Latin America. If you’re attending, don’t miss the Hacks/Hackers organizers breakfast on Saturday morning.
The week ahead:
Greetings, hacks and hackers. Storyology swept Australia’s media scene last week, and the Hacks/Hackers Media Party is already coming up next week! This week, New Orleans is opening a new chapter, with drinks to celebrate. Spread the word if you know any journos or techies in the Big Easy.
We have our first meetup! Come to the first #HHnola next week at @MimisMarigny. Drinks on us! 🍻 #hackshackers
— Samantha Sunne (@SamanthaSunne) August 10, 2016 The week ahead:
Welcome to August, hacks and hackers! Two big events our cresting our (southern) horizon this month: Storyology, Australia’s biggest journalism and storytelling festival, is next week, and Brisbane held a preview while Sydney is taking the post-party honors.
And of course Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires is prepping for its annual Media Party, the largest Hacks/Hackers event in the world. Jump to the end of this newsletter for even more events coming up in September.
Welcome, hacks and hackers. We’ve already reached the end of July, a month that saw more than three dozen Hacks/Hackers meetups across the world. That’s more than one per day!
A new month also means a new global open call. Join us tomorrow at 1500 GMT!
Week ahead:
Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting Hacks/Hackers is holding its global open call Chapter spotlight:
News last week was dominated by fallouts of the Brexit vote, attempted Turkish coup and spread of the Zika virus. News in the U.S., however, was dominated as it always is these days: by Donald Trump and his political party last week, and Hillary Clinton and her party this week.
Week ahead:
Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs Tokyo is tackling Artificial Intelligence Brisbane is debuting a sneak peek at the upcoming Storyology conference Uruguay is discussing recyclable data projects Chapter spotlight:
Greetings, hacks and hackers. This is turning out to be an election year in more way than one, with referendums rocking Europe, attempted government changes erupting in Turkey and campaigns turning out high drama in the United States. London and Paris have both held meetups on polling data for their respective elections, and many other chapters will probably follow suit before the year is out.
The week ahead:
Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs New York is meeting to talk about using simulation games for news London is holding its July meetup at Twitter HQ Berlin is tackling a couple topics including crowdsourcing Chapter spotlight: