Samantha Sunne

Speak at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference

Hello, hacks and hackers! The Global Investigative Journalism Conference opened their call for research paper abstracts that highlight trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, new developments and best practices in investigative and data journalism. Journalism professors worldwide are invited to submit research paper abstracts on trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, new developments &best practices in investigative & data #journalism for #GIJC19 @USCAnnenberg @Willow_Bay @marcambinder @gstables — GIJN (@gijn) February 13, 2019 Abstracts should be sent to research.

Feb 24, 2019

Dozens of journalism/tech events this spring

Hello, hacks and hackers! Are you interested in building a new skill set, meeting fellow news nerds or otherwise broadening your horizons? Check out our extensive list of Hacks/Hackers-type events at the bottom of this newsletter: 🎉 The #NICAR19 schedule is live --> Which sessions/classes are you most excited to attend? — IRE and NICAR (@IRE_NICAR) February 10, 2019 Happening this week: Rabat has its first monthly meeting Singapore is promoting open data Benin, Lagos and Abuja are having their February meetups Worth a read:

Feb 17, 2019

Propose a session for Dataharvest in Belgium

Hello, hacks and hackers! The European Investigative Journalism Conference, aka Dataharvest, is coming up this May in Mechelen, Belgium. Their call for pitches ends this Friday: #EIJC2019 is coming up! Send your ideas and suggestions to the organisers before Friday 15! — EIJC & Dataharvest (old account) (@eijcDataharvest) February 6, 2019 Fill out this form to submit ideas for speakers, sessions, tools or talks, and represent Hacks/Hackers! If you’re in the market for a new job, First Draft News is hiring researchers, editors, designers and other full-time staffers for their new offices in London and New York.

Feb 10, 2019

Tune in this week

Welcome to February, hacks and hackers! If you feel so inclined, we’ll be chatting on our monthly global call on Wednesday: Worth a read: Ready to learn a new Python data viz library? This Medium post walks thru how to use, which is like an upgraded version of matplotlib, to build great-looking, interactive plots with a single line of Python (Medium) Researchers are divided on why people are falling for fake news, so Nieman Lab compiled statements from different studies’ findings to explore all the reasons why fake news is spreading and what the consequences are (Nieman Lab) GIJN rounded up the best Arabic investigative journalism projects from the Middle East and North Africa, including an investigation into Egyptian oil ownership and an exposĂ© on Tunisian money laundering (GIJN) If you've been looking to upgrade your data visualizations in Python, there's no better time than now:https://t.

Feb 3, 2019

Hacks/Hackers in the spotlight this month

Guess what, hacks and hackers! You’re in the news. This month, the Stirling News, The Times and The Scotsman all profiled MisinfoCon and H/H, due to MisinfoConX Scotland happening this week. #HacksHackers is in the news today: @Stirling_News talks #MisinfoConXSco and @hackshackerssco — Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) January 24, 2019 You can follow MisinfoConX thoughts at #MisinfoConXSco. Plus, the Data Journalism Awards tapped H/H Taipei to talk about key trends in data reporting this year:

Jan 27, 2019

Learn how to automate your newsroom

Hello hacks and hackers! Interested in learning about the impact of AI journalism? The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is holding a free online course this spring for journalists to learn how to bring algorithms and automation to their newsrooms. 🖥️⌨️ Computational #journalism expert @ndiakopoulos will teach the @utknightcenter's four-week course “News Algorithms: The Impact of Automation and AI on Journalism,” that runs from Feb. 11 to March 10, 2019.

Jan 20, 2019

Attend a data journalism conference for free this year

Hello, hacks and hackers! The 2019 events calendar is filling up, and if you’re interested in attending a conference but don’t have the funds, OpenNews is providing journalism code ticket & travel scholarships. The application deadline for the first round is this Friday, so don’t hesitate to apply! NICAR, the computer-assisted reporting conference coming up in March, has their own list of scholarships and fellowships for students, educators, women, journalists of color and more:

Jan 13, 2019

Starting the year with 115 chapters and more to come

Welcome to 2019, hacks and hackers! In 2018, Hacks/Hackers grew by seven chapters on four continents, bringing us up to 115 chapters around the world, and more in the works. Local groups held more than 100 events, from fake news in Dar es Salaam to crowdsourcing in Berlin. RSVPs now open for our largest annual meetup on Jan 13. You will learn what Taiwan's media has achieved (and failed) on innovation in 2018: https://t.

Jan 7, 2019

It's that time of year again

It’s here, hacks and hackers: an endless list of best-ofs, top performers and other superlatives for 2018. What’s the best thing you worked on this year? We’ll share it in the next H/H edition. And don’t forget we’ve got our first monthly call coming up in a few days: Worth a read: Descript, Privacy Badger, Google’s new Dataset Search and the other top tools Poynter found this year (Poynter) Mergers, readers and the “Trump bump”: 18 lessons in newsonomics from NiemanLab Crazy Rich Asians, outerspace, travel visas and other things you can learn about in GIJN’s Best 25 Data Visualizations of 2018 Newspapers in name only.

Dec 30, 2018

Embark on a new adventure for the new year

Happy holidays, hacks and hackers! If you’re looking for new opportunities in the new year, check out opportunities for following the money, reporting on climate change, learning about agricultural issues, completing an artists’ residency, covering political development, and other programs from HackPack. It's Monday...that means the next #WeeklyGigs are out! Check our curated list of #journalism oppties around the world! For a personalized list, log into HackPack & indicate language, location & beats.

Dec 23, 2018