Samantha Sunne

Jakarta opens H/H chapter

Happy October, hacks and hackers! This month, a new chapter opens in Jakarta. New: #HacksHackers opens up shop in #Jakarta, talking about interactive stories and social impact: — Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) October 6, 2018 Stay updated with their upcoming events by joining their Meetup page, and spread the word to any hacks and hackers you know in Indonesia. In the meantime, don’t forget Scotland is holding its first Hacks/Hackers meetup as well.

Oct 7, 2018

Scotland joins the H/H clan

Welcome, Scotland, to the Hacks/Hackers family! The H/H Scotland chapter will be holding events in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling, and their inaugural event is next Thursday. Link your Scottish friends to their Meetup page and Twitter account. [Announcement! Sign up now: journalists, technologists and those in-between, sign up for the Hacks/Hackers Scotland launch talking place on 11th October @gmacfilm, more details below. See you there? — Hacks/Hackers Scotland (@HacksHackersSCO) September 20, 2018 Next Wednesday, join us on our monthly open call.

Sep 30, 2018

Announcing MisInfoCon London

Greetings, hacks and hackers! Are you going to MozFest? Announcing #MisinfoCon 5.0, in London! Come for #MozFest, stay for #misinformation debunking — MisinfoCon (@misinfocon) September 18, 2018 The next MisinfoCon will take place in London on the 24th of October, smack in the middle of the open web festival. Buy your tickets here. Happening this week: New Orleans is debunking misinformation Philadelphia is mapping wildlife Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Singapore is reporting with data and machine-learning Brisbane is talking about fake news videos Nairobi is accessing public information Worth a read:

Sep 23, 2018

Getting your newsroom election-ready

Welcome back, hacks and hackers! If you’re in the U.S., you may be the recipient of some pre-election training by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Google News Initiative. Check the dates and locations here. Ahead of the midterm elections in the US, the Google News Initiative partnered with the @spj_tweets to lead workshops in ten states and Washington D.C. If you're at #ONA18 join us in room 212 starting at 12:30.

Sep 16, 2018

Fresh strategies to revitalize local journalism

Hello, hacks and hackers! Is your local newsroom struggling to financially sustain itself? You’re not alone. The Lenfest Institute and the Shorenstein Center led a brainstorming session between industries and local leaders to discuss solutions. If you bring 63 industry leaders from 40 organizations into one room — here are 5 of their recommendations for revitalization on the horizon of local news (thanks to the comprehensive report by @ehansen02, @emilyroseman1, @mspec, and @ylichterman)

Sep 9, 2018

Nigeria opens a third H/H chapter

Welcome back, hacks and hackers! this week we’re excited to welcome Benin City, Nigeria, as the 112th Hacks/Hackers chapter. If you’re feeling left out and want to start a chapter in your area - or breathe new life into an existing one - feel free to check out the guide on our website. Happening this week: New Orleans is drinking Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Benin, Nigeria, is holding its inaugural event Worth a read:

Sep 1, 2018

LA Times is majorly hiring; GDPR is driving change

It’s a busy week, hacks and hackers! The reinvigorated LA Times is hiring for all sorts of positions, including correspondents in Beijing, Singapore and Seoul, as well as positions like “Transformation project manager” and “Senior innovation editor.” Next week,our regular open call will focus on the misinformation-related events we’ve got on the horizon. (Hint: there are quite a few.) Do you know anyone who would be interested in doing a misinformation event in Asia?

Aug 28, 2018

The Media Party is here!

Greetings, hacks and hackers! The time has come for the epic Hacks/Hackers Media Party in Buenos Aires: ¿Qué es la Media Party?🤔 El evento productivo y de innovación en medios de comunicación, más ambicioso y convocante del continente: ¡Más de 20 expertos globales te esperan! 🌍 Anotate gratis en la #MediaParty 2018 de #HHBA en👉 — Hacks Hackers Bs As (@HacksHackersBA) August 13, 2018 It’s the largest Hacks/Hackers event and the biggest journalism innovation event in Latin America, so be sure to follow along at #MediaParty.

Aug 19, 2018

MisinfoCon DC roundup and new events

Greetings, hacks and hackers! If you missed the MisinfoCon gathering last week in DC, check out the hashtag for some of the best tidbits: Happening this week: Nigeria is holding open labs in Abuja and Lagos Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Miami is hosting a lecture on the future of Google advertising Worth a read: Texas Monthly is asking readers who use an ad-blocking service to either subscribe to its newsletter or whitelist its site.

Aug 12, 2018

Teaching data journalism, the tech backlash and more

Hello, hacks and hackers! Are you interested in how data journalism is being taught? IJEC compiled lessons from educators and trainers who attended the European Investigative Journalism conference earlier this summer: See what educators and trainers had to say about teaching investigative journalism at the European Investigative Journalism Conference & Dataharvest 2018!@journalismfund #EIJC18 — IJEC (@ijec_global) July 27, 2018 IJEC is also trying to collect data journalism syllabi from around the globe, so if you have one please send it their way!

Aug 5, 2018