Samantha Sunne

Conferences in Europe and Asia this weekend

Happy Sunday, hacks and hackers! If you’re in Europe, you may have heard that the European investigative journalism symposium, also known as #Dataharvest, is taking place this weekend in Mechelen, Belgium. Meanwhile, the Asian-American Journalists Association is holding their N3 Conference over in Hong Kong, also called New. Now. Next. If you can’t be in either place, you can follow them on Twitter at #Dataharvest and #N3con. The week ahead:

May 20, 2018

Blockchain, podcasts and paid memberships

Apologies for the lateness, hacks and hackers! A scheduling mixup caused this issue of the newsletter to be delivered to some of you on Monday evening - and to some of you, in the middle of the night. If you’re wondering, you should be getting the Hacks/Hackers newsletter in your inbox every Sunday evening, no matter where you are in the world. It’s based on the location you gave when you first signed up for the newsletter.

May 14, 2018

Events you should check out this summer

Welcome to May, hacks and hackers! Summer is on its way (or rather, winter, if you’re in the South), and with it comes a variety of new events in Germany, Hong Kong and the UK. If you know of a conference, convening or other event that may interest your fellow hacks or hackers, let us know. Worth a read: Europe’s new data privacy law goes into effect later this month, and it could cost major tech companies like Google and Amazon billions of dollars - if they are found to violate it (NiemanLab) OpenNews, together with a slew of contributors, released a very in-depth Field Guide to Security Training in the Newsroom (OpenNews) The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas published an ebook chronicling innovative journalism experiments in Latin America, available in English, Spanish and Portuguese (Knight Center) Job openings:

May 6, 2018

Global call to discuss misinformation efforts

Greetings, hacks and hackers! Registration is officially open for MisinfoCon Kyiv, and there are only 150 available spots, so you should RSVP soon if you plan to make it. You may have noticed there’s a lot going on among the Hacks/Hackers misinformation projects (the restarted newsletter, the conference, more to come soon). That’ll be the topic of discussion at next week’s planning call, so join in if you’d like to hear more, or - as always - bring up whatever you want!

Apr 29, 2018

Misinformation updates and open data fellowships

Hello again, hacks and hackers! If you’re doing any work in the misinformation field, or if you’ve just interested, check out the newly revived MisinfoCon newsletter. We’ll be summarizing news, calendaring events and alerting readers to funding and publication opportunities. The #MisinfoCon newsletter is back! — MisinfoCon (@misinfocon) April 20, 2018 The week ahead: Berlin is crowdsourcing journalism Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Austin is preparing repeatable journalism Brisbane is using algorithms to examine their city’s nightlife Worth a read:

Apr 22, 2018

Announcing MisinfoCon Kiev

Big news, hacks and hackers! MisinfoCon, the event that brought together misinformation experts in London and Cambridge, is coming to Kiev, Ukraine. Sign up for the MisinfoCon mailing list to get notified when registration opens later this month. #MisinfoCon is coming to #Kiev. Mark your calendars. — MisinfoCon (@misinfocon) April 14, 2018 Meanwhile, if you missed the International Journalism Conference or the International Symposium on Online Journalism this weekend, you can find videos and transcripts on their websites.

Apr 15, 2018

Media grants available in West Africa, Ukraine, U.S.

Welcome to April, hacks and hackers! Don’t miss a few good funding opportunities this month: media development in Ukraine (due the 15th), startups in the U.S. and accountability reporting in West Africa (due the 30th). Hey, #WestAfrica! Got an accountability-advancing initiative that needs funding? @OSIWA1 is accepting proposals till April 30. #apply #opportunity #grant #funding — GIJN Africa (@gijnAfrica) March 22, 2018 The week ahead: Philadelphia is hosting flash talks Johannesburg is inviting its members to “pizza and lies“ Boston is discussing journalism on the big screen DC is holding Journo Tech Project Day Miami and IRE are holding their regular open labs Worth a read:

Apr 8, 2018

International Fact Checking Day and April Fools' Day

Happy April Fool’s Day, hacks and hackers! Don’t believe anything on the Internet - at least, more than usual. And immediately afterward, you can come back down to earth with International Fact-Checking Day. Maybe don't participate. — Poynter (@Poynter) March 30, 2018 Don’t miss the Hacks/Hackers open planning call coming up next Wednesday: The week ahead: Kuala Lumpur is discussing voting New York is installing security tools Rosario is making plans for 2018 Worth a read:

Apr 1, 2018

New events around the globe

Happy Sunday, hacks and hackers! There are new events in the global event listing below, coming up in April, May or June. Discuss European digital media in Copenhagen, study security in Toronto or learn to monetize your content in New York. Today marks two months until #RightsCon Toronto, where our global community will come together for our most ambitious program yet on human rights in the digital age. Learn more about who will be there and join us: https://t.

Mar 25, 2018

Learn about security, infographics or misinformation at a H/H event this week

Greetings, hacks and hackers, and welcome to another week packed full of local H/H events. If you’re in New York, Singapore, Philly, Sao Paolo, Abuja or Lagos, check out the new skills you can learn this month: tá chegando a hora de recebermos um ar fresquinho de inspiração sobre jornalismo de dados com o Gabrie lZanlorenssi, responsável pela produção gráficos e conteúdos especiais do Jornal Nexo! >> evento gratuito promovido pela rede Hacks/Hackers SP https://t.

Mar 18, 2018