Newsletter: Oct. 14, 2015
Suggest editsWelcome to the fourth edition of this newsletter. What have you enjoyed about this newsletter, or what would you like to see added/fixed? Send your feedback by replying to this email or taking a quick 4-question survey.
*The week ahead for Hacks/Hackers:*
- Hacks/Hackers-IRE in *Columbia, Mo.*, gathers to discuss CSS preprocessors LESS & SASS.
- Hacks/Hackers *Austin* is celebrating its 5th birthday with an event on media innovation, with speakers Burt Herman, Trei Brundrett and Anna Tauzin. Happy birthday, Austin chapter!
- In *Dublin*, the chapter meets up to talk about how ‘data’ is used as a tool for investigative journalism in Ireland.
- The *Miami* Hacks/Hackers chapter is getting together for a Q&A with the founders of the media startup The New Tropic.
- Two notable events more than a week ahead: MozFest in London and I-Con leadership event in Miami.
*Chapter Spotlight:* @HacksHackersDEL
Hacks/Hackers Delhi brought together more than a half-dozen speakers to discuss different approaches for reaching a mobile news audience. Check out the Storify by Aayush Soni for a great recap, or search the hashtag #mobilexnews to see tons of live-tweets from the event.

These photos and more on the event’s Facebook page.
*Worth a read:*
- NICAR-L adds a Spanish-language data journalism listserv (IRE)
- Twitter lays off 8 percent of the company (TechCrunch)
- What AMP (maybe) means for news developers (by Ted Han, Justin Reese, Thomas Wilburn, and Julia Wolfe for Source)
- Github Gitdown: Unlocking the potential of the world’s largest co-creation platform (Phillip Smith)
- WNYC is ready to make a $15 million move into podcasts (Nieman Lab)
- Society for News Design to expand its training for journalists and technologists with $130,000 from Knight Foundation (Knight Foundation)
- The New York Times strategy memo (CNN Money)
- Google Launches Cloud Datalab, an interactive tool for exploring and visualizing data (TechCrunch)
- Two resource guides on data journalism recently shared by Hacks/Hackers chapters: 7 free resources for data journalism (Carolina Cristanchi, in Spanish), Intro to Data and Code (Lena Groeger)
- Data Viz: Humanitarian buzzword explorer and bingo (Ben Parker, IRIN News)
- Fusion and Univision start “The 19 Million Project” about migration crisis (spearheaded by Mariana Santos, who is now Director of Interactive Projects at Fusion, and with several other longtime Hacks/Hackers organizers taking part, including Hacks/Hackers Miami organizer Rachel Schallom)
*Call to action:*
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions on how to update the Survival Glossary. Through that process, we’ve learned about News Nerdery’s Field Guide to Media Tech + Product. News Nerdery also has a Slack channel for folks to chat about collaboration and event organizing, if that’s your thing. Details on how to join the Slack on News Nerdery’s site.
And as mentioned at the top, please send Julia any feedback about how this newsletter is working for you by taking the survey or replying to this email.
Have an excellent week ahead!
Produced by Julia Haslanger, @JuliaJRH