Connect London took place last weekend; NYC is already sold out
Suggest editsGreetings hacks and hackers, the Connect series is rolling onward like a behemoth and all over the world, individual chapters are holding get-togethers and learning new skills. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up:
The week ahead:
- Stanford is learning how to use DocumentCloud and SearchLight to look for hidden patterns in documents on Tuesday
- Washington, DC, is holding a hands-on Python workshop on Thursday
- Boston is holding a round of lightning talks at MIT on Wednesday
- Mexico City is having a Cryptoparty to figure out ways to protect women journalists, programmers and designers on Friday
- HacksHackersIRE is holding its regular Wednesday Lab
- Miami is hosting a discussion on digital media in south Florida on Thursday
Chapter spotlight:
London hosted an enormous Connect event last weekend. More than 100 entrepreneurs and mentors gathered to kickstart media startups. Nick Duxbury wrote up his observations on Medium, expressing his surprise at how entrepreneurial journalists were.
“No hacks I spoke with talked about money. Some didn’t mention tech. Most seemed focused on finding ways to viably produce high quality journalism of social importance (notably *not* necessarily popular content) without commercial compromises.”
If only I had known three years ago what I know now from attending #hhconnect #hhldn
— Chris Wheal (@whealie) February 7, 2016
Registration is already full for Connect in New York City February 26-27. But join the waiting list if you’re going to be in the area! And if you’re not, follow along at #hhconnect.
Worth a read:
- 15 lessons learned from Hacks/Hackers Connect London (Medium)
- At the intersection of media and startups you’ll find a community of “hipsters, hacks & hustlers” (Medium)
- The Columbia Journalism Review suggests journalists collaborate with scientists on investiations (CJR)
- On the subject of funding journalism, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation’s Local News Lab released a report on new journalism business models (Local News Lab)
- Quartz released a new app that presents the news like it’s a friend chatting with you (Wired)
Job openings:
- It’s only February, but Pew is taking applications for a summer internship in user experience design. Pass it on to students and recent grads!
- NYT is also looking for a UX designer
- Mozilla is taking applications for its Open Web Fellowship until March 20
- The Times and Sunday Times are looking to add to their data team in London
Call to action:
I’m looking for job postings over hill and dale, but we want to make sure we don’t miss any openings that needs filling with a hack or hacker. Share the love and email job postings to or tweet at us!