Registration opens for Connect Austin; Ethiopia celebrates Open Data Day
Suggest editsGreetings, hacks and hackers! We’ve got some news on the latest Connect milestone:
#HHConnect Austin: Lands April 14th @Statesman w/ #Lean expert @ashmaurya! RSVP today:
— Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) March 23, 2016
Ash Maurya, creator of Lean Canvas, will be the featured speaker. We want to get the word out to all media entrepreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs) in the area, especially since a lot of people will already be in town for the ISOJ conference. Please help us spread the word!
The week ahead:
- Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs
- San Francisco is introducing attendees to Buzzfeed’s own Open Lab
- New York is holding a roundtable discussion on working with multiple languages
- London’s March meetup will feature new projects from the Guardian and the BBC
- Zurich is getting an inside look at an award-winning app called politbox
- Seattle is holding a post-NICAR meetup
Chapter spotlight:
Hacks/Hackers Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia, collaborated with Hacks/Hackers Africa, in Johannesburg, to celebrate Open Data Day 2016.
Raising Open Data awareness in the grass root community of Ethiopia - highlights from #opendataday in #Ethiopia
— Open Knowledge Foundation (@OKFN) March 18, 2016
The theme was raising awareness of open data among grassroot communities in Ethiopia. It was one of Addis Ababa’s first events,, and featured help from data liberation advocates like Code4Ethiopia and Open Knowledge International.
Worth a read:
- Vice may be seeing the effects of its controversial “traffic assignment letters” (Variety)
- A NYT media columnist published a damning portrait of what he calls “the disturbing symbiosis between Mr. Trump and the news media” (New York Times)
- Nieman Lab took a look at how the digital revolution resulted in a higher concentration of journalists in U.S. cities, rather than the expected expansion (Nieman Lab)
- Melody Kramer wants to call journalists’ attention to the goldmine of Creative Commons content (Poynter)
- Scott Klein is launching a weekly digest of centuries-old data visualizations (Above Chart)
Big news about old news: I've started a TinyLetter to share beautiful old infographics.
— Scott Klein (@kleinmatic) March 19, 2016
Job openings:
- Hivisasa, an crowdsourced news platform in Nairobi, is hiring a designer
- KQED, a radio station in San Francisco, is hiring a lead software engineer
- The WITS school in Johannesburg is looking for a radio producer
- CNNMoney is looking for a digital editor to lead its Europe arm
- CALMatters, a media startup in California, is hiring its first engagement manager
- The GroundTruth Project is offering fellowships to young journalists who want to report in the Middle East
- Mada Masr, a news site in Cairo, is seeking a social media reporter
- The Washingtonian in Washington, DC, is hiring a director of digital product overseeing UX and web design
- The Straits Times in Singapore is hiring a front-end web developer
- The Web Foundation is hiring an open data researcher able to work from multiple locations, including Africa, Europe and North America
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