Hacks/Hackers chapters worldwide dive into the #PanamaPapers
Suggest editsHope you had a productive week, hacks and hackers. Let’s have a round of applause for Warsaw, who kicked off their very first Hacks/Hackers event on Tuesday. You can check out their adventures at #hhwaw:
The week ahead:
- Nairobi is hearing from the Kenya journalists who worked on the #PanamaPapers project
- Paris is also featuring #PanamaPapers journalists from France and Europe
- Brisbane is holding a workshop on finding stories in huge amounts of text
- Rosario is holding a datathon to analyze public datasets in Argentina
- Miami and IRE’s weekly labs will be open for business
- Vienna is hosting speakers from Google News Lab and OpenDataCity
- Barcelona is teaching R for Dummies
Chapter spotlight:
Hacks/Hackers Munich (München in German) invited local startup founders to intro and demo their apps – one for searching government requests and one for linking segments of data in the form of text. Co-organizer Bernd Oswald said diversity in both speakers and organizers has helped their chapter appeal to a large number of attendees.
“We are three organizers and discuss in a slack channel about speakers and locations. We usually try to offer three speakers, one from journalism, one from coding and one from design, to make the HH meetups appealing for people from all of these branches.
From time to time we are trying to invite big names from famous media in Munich, maybe this will work in our next meeting. One of the speakers – Maxi from kleineanfragen – approached us and asked, whether he could give a speech at the next HH meeting.”
Die Macher von @kleineanfragen haben noch einen Service auf Lager: sehrgutachten.de - wo man nach Gutachten des ... pic.twitter.com/q7ytBz3bep
— HacksHackersMünchen (@HacksHackersMUC) April 6, 2016
Worth a read:
- Lena Groeger, a ProPublica developer and co-organizer of Hacks/Hackers New York, wrote about how data visualizations can reveal biases and blind spots in our brains (ProPublica)
- The LA Times found that most of the members of an ultra conservative political party, including some celebrities, had joined the party by accident (LA Times)
- A NYT Opinions writer sketched out a new map for the United States, which would no longer consist of united states (NYT)
- Only 6 percent of Americans say they have “a lot of confidence” in the media according to a new poll (AP)
Job openings:
- GIJN is hiring a part-time editor in Johannesburg
Latin America:
- The International Women’s Media Foundation is accepting applications for reporting fellowships in El Salvador and Colombia
North America:
- The New Yorker magazine is looking for a senior designer
- Turner Broadcasting is hiring a director of data and interactives
- The New York Times is hiring an interactives developer
- The Oregonian is looking for a data visualization leader
- The Wall Street Journal is hiring a data viz/multimedia editor
- GroundSource, a platform for community engagement, is hiring a technical architect
- Global Witness, a watchdog group, seeks a multimedia editor in London
- Telegraph Media Group seeks an interactive developer and a graphic journalist