Hacks/Hackers Connect Brussels is coming up next week
Suggest editsHacks/Hackers Connect Brussels is almost upon us! You still have a few days to register, so spread the word! We’re excited to hold our third Connect event in Europe and to host a session on Google’s Digital News Initiative. It will take place the day the second round of applications open, June 2nd.
Make sure you sign up for the Hacks/Hackers Connect in Brussels (June 1-2): https://t.co/xcKgu6K9Dj pic.twitter.com/JIUegW2plC
— Michiel Sallaets (@Chimiel) May 19, 2016
Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires also announced the dates for this year’s #HHBA Media Party:
Let's reboot journalism for Fifth time at #hhba Media Party 2016 Save the cheerleader, save the world. https://t.co/QVz7KSHyEV
— Mariano Blejman (@blejman) May 23, 2016
The week ahead:
- Uruguay is holdings its third DataCampUY
- Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs
- Toronto is hearing from Catherine Gicheru of Code for Kenya
- Miami is partnering with Code for Miami for #HackForChange
- Brussels is hosting the seventh Hacks/Hackers Connect
- Buenos Aires is discussing journalism in the era of leaks
Chapter spotlight:
It’s been more than a month since ICIJ released the #PanamaPapers, but Hacks/Hackers chapters from France to Poland to Kenya have been dissecting the story and massive data leak. Last week, Munich and Berlin took the plunge.
Liebe Grüße vom @HacksHackersBER Event! pic.twitter.com/5LmnX9SCVb
— Sebastian Horn (@herrhorn) May 18, 2016
Jetzt letzter Part bei #PanamaPapers bei #HHMuc: Wer hat's gelesen? Überraschend: 1/3 deutsch, 2/3 Englisch. pic.twitter.com/GDqBfasOAB
— HacksHackersMünchen (@HacksHackersMUC) May 18, 2016
ICIJ joined the data with the Offshore Leaks data, another monumental leak, to create a massive database of leaked documents that would have relevance in almost every country in the world.
Worth a read:
- Twitter announced you will soon be able to get more bang for your 140 characters (Twitter)
- 18F’s Jacob Harris dug up ASCII art from the post-Civil War era (Atlantic)
- The New York Times announced some large changes, pulling it even farther away from its print roots (Poynter)
- Poynter went on to write about how these changes can indicate a blueprint for other legacy newspapers (Poynter)
Job openings:
- The International Open Data Roadmap is looking for a Spanish-speaking coordinator for its next conference in Spain
- The Times and Sunday Times are looking for a data journalist
- Which, a consumer magazine in London, is hiring a data journalist
North America:
- The Coral Project is looking for an integration engineer
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is looking for a data editor
- The Sunlight Foundation in Washington, D.C., is looking for an analytics specialist
- Kaiser Health News is hiring a data journalist
- AidInfoPlus, a nonprofit covering international aid, is searching for data search specialists
- Africa Check is seeking a journalist and researcher
Other upcoming events:
- June 1 – Philadelphia and San Francisco, USA – The Solutions Journalism Network Hub launch events
- June 3-5 – Mechelen, Belgium – Dataharvest, the European Investigative Journalism Conference
- June 9 – New York, USA – Launch event for The Solutions Journalism Network Hub
- June 16-19 – New Orleans, USA – Investigative Reporters and Editors conference