The Big Easy opens for business; Media Party debuts next week
Suggest editsGreetings, hacks and hackers. Storyology swept Australia’s media scene last week, and the Hacks/Hackers Media Party is already coming up next week! This week, New Orleans is opening a new chapter, with drinks to celebrate. Spread the word if you know any journos or techies in the Big Easy.
We have our first meetup! Come to the first #HHnola next week at @MimisMarigny. Drinks on us! 🍻 #hackshackers
— Samantha Sunne (@SamanthaSunne) August 10, 2016
The week ahead:
- Hong Kong is talking about gamifying the news
- New Orleans is hosting a welcome party to celebrate its new chapter
- Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami
- IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting
Chapter spotlight:
Berlin featured a couple cool speakers last week, including Hacks/Hackers’ own Sarah Marshall from the London chapter. She talked about how to create products that make users want to use them again and again.
At @HacksHackersBER hearing about the work by @basilesimon &co at They monitor coalition strikes + civilian deaths
— Sarah Marshall (@SarahMarshall) August 10, 2016
Completion, variability, social rewards: attributes of news products that makes people return – @SarahMarshall #hhber
— Hacks/Hackers Berlin (@HacksHackersBER) August 10, 2016
Worth a read:
- Media outlets are experimenting with a range of cool digital presentations for their Olympics coverage (Nieman Lab)
- The Washington Post is using some computer-generated stories to cover the Rio Olympics (Recode)
- On that note, journalism ethics experts are debating whether bots should be given a byline (Poynter)
- One of the founders of the Verge is founding a New Yorker-style magazine aimed at millennials (Nieman Lab)
Job openings:
- Europe:
- Google News Lab is offering fellowships in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Bloomberg is seeking a global technology editor in London
- North America:
- A private investigation group in New York is hiring a data visualization specialist
- The Trace, a startup covering gun violence, is taking applications for a digital news fellowship
- ProPublica is hiring minority students to cover their own campuses
- The Seattle Times has an opening for a graphic artist
- Bloomberg is hiring someone to cover Google
- The Texas Tribune has an opening for a front-end engineer
- St. Louis Public Radio is hiring a digital and special projects editor
- FiveThirtyEight is taking applications for its fall internship
- Africa:
- Code for South Africa is taking applications for its three-month residency program
Other upcoming events:
- August:
- Aug 16-17 – Nairobi, Kenya – the East Africa Open Data Festival
- Aug 25-27 – Buenos Aires, Argentina – the Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires Media Party
- September:
- Sept 15-17 – Denver, USA – Online News Association (ONA)’s annual conference
- Sept 17-20 – New Orleans, USA – Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism conference
- Sept 20-22 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
- Sept. 22 – New York, USA – NYC Media Lab Annual Summit, for executives, academics and startups to convene around future of media
- (Hacks/Hackers community members can register with a 25% off discount code: HACKSHACKER)
- Sept 23-24 – Toronto, Canada – Hacks/Hackers Connect Toronto
- Sept 23-25 – Kathmandu, Nepal – Asian Investigative Journalism Conference
- Sept 28-29 – Chicago, USA – INN workshop on Tech and Product Design for News Leaders
- Sept 29-Oct 1 – Miami, USA – Digital Humanities + Data Journalism Symposium
- Sept 30-Oct 1 – Palo Alto, USA – Computation + Journalism Symposium
- October:
- Oct 7-9, New York, USA – Future of Storytelling Festival