The Big Easy opens for business; Media Party debuts next week

Aug 15, 2016

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Greetings, hacks and hackers. Storyology swept Australia’s media scene last week, and the Hacks/Hackers Media Party is already coming up next week! This week, New Orleans is opening a new chapter, with drinks to celebrate. Spread the word if you know any journos or techies in the Big Easy.

The week ahead:

  • Hong Kong is talking about gamifying the news
  • New Orleans is hosting a welcome party to celebrate its new chapter
  • Miami is holding its regular OpenHack Miami
  • IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly meeting

Chapter spotlight:

Berlin featured a couple cool speakers last week, including Hacks/Hackers’ own Sarah Marshall from the London chapter. She talked about how to create products that make users want to use them again and again.

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Other upcoming events:

Category: Newsletter