Help us pick a new Hacks/Hackers logo
Suggest editsIt’s a new month, hacks and hackers, and if you’ve been reading this a while, you know that means one thing: a Hacks/Hackers global call. Check out the agenda to see what we’ll be chatting about.
If you can’t make it, please take this super short (i.e., four-question) survey to give us some feedback on a new logo:
We're got a new #HacksHackers logo in the works. Want to help us pick?
— Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) December 1, 2016
The week ahead:
- Hacks/Hackers is holding its December open call
- Taipei is talking about Github
- Johannesburg is drinking in some city budgets
- Montreal is demonstrating Pandas and D3
- New Orleans holding a hackathon planning party
- New York is building better news notifications
- San Francisco is discussing infosec for journalists
- Madrid is holding a data journalism workshop
- Munich is discussing Facebook bots and prediction models after Trump
- Miami and IRE are holding their regular weekly open labs
Chapter spotlight:
Taipei, the recently-founded first chapter in Taiwan, is holding its second meetup tomorrow, spreading the Github gospel to the journalists of Taiwan. They’ve already scheduled their third, which will tackle immersive storytelling.
RSVP #HHTaipei 2nd meetup on Dec 3! will discuss how newsrooms are using @github for innovation. :
— HacksHackersTaipei (@hackshackersTPE) November 11, 2016
Organizers Silva Shih and Kirby Wu have been posting and communicating on a variety of channels, including Github, Facebook and their own website. Silva said Facebook was the most successful platform so far for communicating with members, while Github and Slack are more useful for communicating between organizers.
“Since Taiwan is the most active Facebook users in the world, the answer is no surprise. But I’d say twitter has influence as well because it has regional visibility and the influence among the English speaking world. We will keep these two as the main broadcasting channels at the same time.”
Worth a read:
- ICIJ published a huge report on the global impact of its Panama Papers project (ICIJ)
- The American Press Institute published a strategy study on engaging readers in longform stories in digital format (API)
- Reuters built an algorithmic tool for verifying breaking news on Twitter (Nieman Lab)
- Many journalists are taking heart from a rousing speech by Marty Baron, editor of the Washington Post and model for the Spotlight film (Vanity Fair)
Job openings:
- North America:
- KERA, the NPR station in Dallas, is hiring for a designer and developer
- Vox has an opening for a front-end developer
- Chicago Tribune has a programmer opening
- Syracuse University is looking for a Research Professor of Data and Investigative Journalism
- The University of Connecticut is looking for a professor in residence interested in web and mobile design
- Wall Street Journal is hiring an interactive news writer
- CQ Roll Call is looking for a designer
- Axios, a news startup, has several design and digital positions open
- Bloomberg BNA is looking for a data reporter
- The Tow Center for Digital Journalism is looking for research scholars
- Europe:
- The Times and Sunday Times is looking for a new data editor
- The Guardian is looking for a new visuals editor and motion graphics editor
- Asia:
- South China Morning Post has an opening for a mobile app developer
- Africa:
- Internews, an organization promoting media development, has an opening for a program director
Upcoming events:
- December:
- Dec 1-4 – Panama City, Panama – the International Anti-Corruption Conference
- Dec 2-3 – Dead Sea, Jordan – the Arab Investigative Journalism Conference
- Dec 3 – Mexico City, Mexico – Periodista de a Pie is offering a one-day workshop on Google tools training
- Dec 5-6 – San Francisco, USA – Mobile Innovation Summit
- January:
- Jan 21 – Berlin, Germany – “Hashtag, High Tech, Hackmac” data journalism day
- Jan 27-28 – Odense, Denmark – NODA17, the Nordic Data Journalism Conference