Dozens of Hacks/Hackers jobs open up in the first weeks of 2017
Suggest editsIt’s a new year, hacks and hackers, and newsrooms seem to be ushering in the new: more than two dozen job openings were posted since our last newsletter, ranging from Research Professor to Motion Graphics Editor. The Washington Post alone named eight new openings on its new rapid-response investigations team.
JOBS: WaPo investigative unit is hiring an assignment editor, 5 reporters, a database reporter, a graphics reporter.
— Alyson Hurt (@alykat) January 9, 2017
Chapter spotlight:
San Francisco – the original Hacks/Hackers chapter – has held nearly five dozen events since 2009, when it was first founded. This year they’ve collaborated often with other Bay Area interest groups, like the Solutions Journalism Network and the Brown Institute for Media Innovation.
Ryan Singel, one of the current organizers, said he was surprised by how much luck he has had searching for a partner or venue with a good old-fashioned social media call. For a recent event, he said,
“I couldn’t find any room in our usual spots, so tweeted out that we needed a space and what the topic was. That landed us an invite from a local security company called OpenDNS, which also then bought pizza and drinks for the get-together. This won’t always work, but a tweet is free, so worth a shot.”
Thanks to @CACollegeofArts for hosting us with the @BuzzFeed @openlab tonight in SF
— Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) March 29, 2016
Worth a read:
- The Boston Globe is finding success engaging with readers in a Facebook group just for subscribers, rather than its Facebook page at large (NiemanLab)
- The Chicago Reporter used tools built by other journalists, like Tarbell and the Django Boundary Service, to do its enormous project on police misconduct (Source)
- Media columnist Margaret Sullivan called for journalists to stop using the term “fake news” and instead use more specific terms (Washington Post)
Job openings:
- Europe:
- Financial Times has an opening for a news developer on its graphics team
- BBC has an opening on its social news team
- openDemocracy is looking for an investigative journalist to work on a project on press freedom
- Asia:
-, a newsfeed startup, is hiring producers in Mumbai
- North America:
- KPCC is looking for an app developer
- Gannett has an opening for a graphic designer
- FiveThirtyEight is accepting internship applications
- Searchlight NM is looking for a data journalist
- Scripps Washington Bureau has an opening for a computer assisted reporting producer
- Syracuse University is searching for a Research Professor of Data and Investigative Journalism
- Tow Center at the Columbia Journalism School is hiring a Research Director for digital journalism
- NBC is looking for a web products director
- Society for News Design is hiring a digital correspondent
- CityLab is searching for an editor
- Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is looking for a managing editor
- Las Vegas Review-Journal is looking for a graphic artist/designer
- American City Business Journals is looking for a product designer
- NBCUniversal has an opening for a motion graphics producer
- National Geographic has an opening for a graphics editor
- Washington Post has eight openings on its investigative team
Upcoming events:
- January:
- 15-18 – Cape Town, South Africa – UN World Data Forum
- 20-21 – Anaheim, USA – A3E ‘Future of Audio’ Summit
- 21 – Berlin, Germany – “Hashtag, High Tech, Hackmac” data journalism day
- 27-28 – Odense, Denmark – NODA17, the Nordic Data Journalism Conference
- 31-1 – London, UK – #newsHACK, the BBC’s transcription hackathon
- February:
- 6 – Paris, France – News Impact Summit
- 8-9 – London, UK – newsrewired
- March:
- 2-5 – Jacksonville, USA – National Institute of Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) conference
- 31-1 – Tonsberg, Norway – SKUP conference for investigative reporters and editors in Norway