MisinfoCon starts today
Suggest editsHappy Friday, hacks and hackers! We hope to see you this weekend at MisinfoCon or next week at NICAR. If not, you can follow along at #MisinfoCon and #NICAR17.
ICYMI yesterday: From saving democracy to enemies of the people, your weekly #MisinfoCon update & must-read articles https://t.co/NkwS7M2pKh
— Phillip Smith (@phillipadsmith) February 21, 2017
In the meantime, Billy Penn and the Knight Foundation are putting together a mobile journalism playbook and they’d like your input. Billy Penn audience development manager Angie Nassar said it will be a practical guide for journalists, including tools, tips and best practices.
“We’re looking for people from newsrooms everywhere to interview. We want to find out what’s working for you, what’s not, and how we can learn from each other.”
Send Angie an email if you’d like to contribute.
The week ahead:
- Hacks/Hackers is holding its global open call
- Hacks/Hackers is also sponsoring a lunch for NICAR17 attendees
- Brisbane is discussing ways to safely store digital properties
- Warsaw is talking about verifying and visualizing data
- Taipei is holding a workshop on immersive storytelling
- IRE is holding its weekly open lab
Chapter spotlight:
Instead of zooming in on a local chapter, we’re going to give the Hacks/Hackers global team a little sunshine this week. Jenny 8 Lee and Phillip Smith put together a doozy of a conference this weekend, and Phillip has been compiling suggested reading for weeks.
Building solutions to #misinfomation, #fakenews & #alternative facts? Tell us what's important to you: https://t.co/rmoQPUwnQM #misinfocon
— Phillip Smith (@phillipadsmith) February 17, 2017
Samantha Sunne and Burt Herman will be hosting the regular global open call next week, on Wednesday at 4pm GMT (look up your local time here). Samantha will also be at NICAR hosting a lunch for local organizers. Show the global team some love and say hi at any of these events!
Worth a read:
- BuzzFeed released an experimental tool to help readers read outside their bubble. You can try out the tool in action on this article about Twitter harassment. (BuzzFeed)
- Western outlets universally struggle to get their content to readers in countries with state-sponsored censorship. BBC Persian is using Instagram and Telegram, two of the few social media networks allowed in Iran. (NiemanLab)
- In the US, the Sunlight Foundation is tracking reports of government agencies being silenced on the Internet or for communication with journalists (Poynter)
- The Data Driven Journalism blog released a study of the winners of GEN’s Data Journalism Awards, finding what elements make the best data story.
Job openings:
- Asia:
- South China Morning Post has an opening for a digital marketing analyst
- North America:
- Concordia University in Montreal is looking for a data journalism professor
- ProPublica has an opening for a data reporter
- FiveThirtyEight has two openings on its data viz team
- The Solutions Journalism Network is seeking a community engagement editor
- Mother Jones is looking for a production editor
- Wirecutter, a NYT site, is looking for a back-end engineer
- WNYC is hiring a data and interactive editor
- INN is hiring a director of INN Labs
- Europe:
- The Centre for Investigative Journalism is looking for a new director
Upcoming events:
- February:
- 24-26 – Boston, USA – MisinfoCon, a summit on misinformation
- March:
- 2-5 – Jacksonville, USA – National Institute of Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) conference
- 10-11 – Milan, Italy – Visualized Milan
- 10-16 – Austin, USA – SXSW Interactive Festival
- 12 – Austin, USA – The Hacks/Hackers-produced Awesomest Journalism Party Ever at SXSW
- 15-16 – London, UK – The Guardian Changing Media Summit
- 23 – Miami, USA – Journalists & Editors workshop on Mobile Media Culture in the Americas
- 29-31 – Brussels, Belgium – RightsCon for a freer Internet
- 31-1 – Tonsberg, Norway – SKUP conference for investigative reporters and editors in Norway
- April:
- May:
- 1-4 – Jakarta, Indonesia – UNESCO’s conference for World Press Freedom Day
- 4-6 – Galway, Ireland – MoJoCon Mobile Journalism Conference
- 15-20 – San Salvador, El Salvador – Forum for Central American Journalism
- 18-20 – Hamburg, Germany – International Press Institute World Congress on media freedom in the digital age
- 18-21 – Mechelen, Belgium – Dataharvest, the European Investigative Journalism Conference