See you at NICAR
Suggest editsHello, hacks and hackers! We made it through Valentine’s Day (at least, those of us who live in countries that celebrate it) and we’re now less than a month from the popular NICAR conference. If you’re planning to go, join us for lunch in the hotel restaurant and catch up with organizers.
Do you organize a local #HacksHackers chapter? Join us for lunch at #NICAR17:
— Hacks/Hackers (@HacksHackers) February 6, 2017
The week ahead:
- Nairobi is holding a talk called “think before you post“
- Austin is talking about using drones for journalism
- London is discussing facts, fake facts and alternative facts
- IRE in Missouri is holding its weekly open lab
Chapter spotlight:
London, which successfully transitioned away from using Meetup last year, has continued to hold a meetup every month on the dot. Joanna Geary, who has since moved on to other locales, said the organizers use a variety of tools to keep in touch, including an email list for volunteers, a MailChimp list for attendees and an Eventbrite account for announcing events.
“Running a Whatsapp group that can be used as a way to communicate during the events, which keeps things on time!”
The group is meeting next week to talk about “facts, fake facts and alternative facts.” You can follow their adventures at #HHldn.
Hello #HHLdn! We're excited to announce next event is taking place on 22 Feb. RSVPs open 1pm today, via Eventbrite
— Hacks/Hackers London (@HacksHackersLDN) February 6, 2017
Worth a read:
- Latin American outlets are reimagining text-based longform journalism (Knight Center)
- The International Federation of Journalists is now offering insurance for journalists working in war zones, who previously could not get coverage (IFJ)
- Trevor Timm argues that the resignation of an American national security head shows that leaks to journalists are working (CJR)
- Fake news is getting increasing traction among liberals after the U.S. presidential election (NYT)
Job openings:
- Middle East:
- Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism is looking for a senior multimedia editor
- North America:
- The Intercept is hiring a product designer
- Texas Tribune is looking for a Software Engineer and Community Reporter
- CNN is hiring an “emerging platforms product manager“
- NY Daily News has an opening for an interactive developer
- Chicago Public Media is looking for a developer
- Pitchfork, a music magazine, has an opening for an interactive developer
- McClatchy is hiring a data reporter
- ProPublica is looking for a full-stack developer
- Orlando Sentinel is hiring a sports designer
- Europe:
- BBC is looking for a head of statistics
- Reuters is hiring a video producer
- International Business Times is hiring a video programmer
- Politico is searching for an audience developer producer
Upcoming events:
- February:
- 18-19 – Tucson, USA – News Hack Arizona
- 24-26 – Boston, USA – MisinfoCon, a summit on misinformation
- March:
- 2-5 – Jacksonville, USA – National Institute of Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) conference
- 10-11 – Milan, Italy – Visualized Milan
- 10-16 – Austin, USA – SXSW Interactive Festival
- 15-16 – London, UK – The Guardian Changing Media Summit
- 23 – Miami, USA – Journalists & Editors workshop on Mobile Media Culture in the Americas
- 29-31 – Brussels, Belgium – RightsCon for a freer Internet
- 31-1 – Tonsberg, Norway – SKUP conference for investigative reporters and editors in Norway
- April:
- May:
- 1-4 – Jakarta, Indonesia – UNESCO’s conference for World Press Freedom Day
- 4-6 – Galway, Ireland – MoJoCon Mobile Journalism Conference
- 15-20 – San Salvador, El Salvador – Forum for Central American Journalism
- 18-20 – Hamburg, Germany – International Press Institute World Congress on media freedom in the digital age
- 18-21 – Mechelen, Belgium – Dataharvest, the European Investigative Journalism Conference