Computation Journalism Symposium this week

Oct 8, 2017

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Greetings, hacks and hackers! The Computation+Jounalism Symposium is happening this week, and if you haven’t registered, you can still follow along at #CJ2017:

Plus: registration is now open for MisinfoCon at MozFest. Space is quite limited, so get on that soon if you’re planning to be at MozFest.

The week ahead:

  • Lagos is holding a workshop on turning spreadsheets into stories
  • IRE is holding its regular weekly lab
  • Miami is hacking with Code for Miami

Worth a read:

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
China China Global Television Network Producer
India Techstory Startup reporter
Nigeria Code for Africa Program assistant
UK Newsweek Video producers
UK BBC Data journalist
US Towson University Professor of Journalism and New Media
US Center for Public Integrity Digital editor
US U.S. News SEO analyst
US USA Today Network Data reporter
US The New Republic Engagement editor
US Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Digital design assistant editor
US Reuters Digital editor
US CBS Motion graphics designer

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
October 12-13 Columbia USA Revenue Models That Work
October 13-14 Evanston USA Computer + Journalism Symposium
October 20-21 College Park USA Journalism Interactive Conference
October 20-12 Chaimpaign-Urbana USA MobileMe&You Conference
October 25 London UK MisinfoCon at MozFest
October 27-29 London UK MozFest open web festival
November 5-8 Chicago USA Science of Innovation Summit for Journalists
November 9-11 New York USA Catalyst media entrepreneurship program
November 11-13 Berlin Germany OpenCon for open access to education
November 15-17 Tbilisi Georgia DataFest Tbilisi 2017
November 16-19 Johannesburg South Africa Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC)
November 24-26 Tunis Tunisia New media conference
December 1-3 Panama City Panama Futuro de Periodismo regional conference
December 7-8 Philadelphia USA OpenNews’ SRCCON:WORK
December 9 Toronto Canada Data Driven symposium

Project funding:

Deadline Fund
Rolling MisinfoCon micro-grant
Rolling Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund
October South Africa Media Innovation Program challenge
October Baltic Media Accelerator
October Innovative Regions of Russia Golden Stylus award
October Matter media accelerator
November Bournemouth University New Media Writing Prize

Category: Newsletter