Announcing MisInfoConX

Dec 9, 2018

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Welcome back, hacks and hackers! We’re pleased to announce the first MisinfoConX in Scotland:

MisinfoConX is a series of local, community-focused conferences aiming to combat misinformation in communities around the world. The first will take place in Stirling next month, and early bird tickets are available now.

Worth a read:

  • The AI and the News Open Challenge announced 66 finalists last week check out the finalists’ project proposals to see what the future holds for AI and journalism (AI Ethics Initiative)
  • According to a Pew Research Center survey published last week, 34 percent of Americans now prefer to get their news from the Web, up from 28 percent in 2016 (Pew Research Center)
  • An ICIJ collaborative investigation brought 11 Latin American media outlets together to report on regulations in the global medical device industry (Knight Center)

Upcoming events:

| Month | Day | City | Country | Event | | —– | — | —- | ——- | —– | December | 13-14 | Philadelphia | US | SRCCON: POWER January | 7-11 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Digital Methods Winter School January | 31 | Stirling | Scotland | MisinfoConX Scotland February | 1-2 | Miami | US | Computation + Journalism Symposium March | 7-10 | Newport Beach | US | CAR Conference April | 1-5 | Valencia | Spain | Internet Freedom Festival April | 12-13 | Austin | US | International Symposium on Online Journalism June | 11-14 | Tunis | Tunisia | RightsCon Tunis June | 13-16 | Houston | US | Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference June | 19-21 | Cape Town | South Africa | Global Fact-Checking Summit July | 19-21 | Toronto | Canada | International Conference on Social Media & Society

Job openings:

Location Employer Opening
Canada DarkHorse Analytics Information Designer
UK Independent News Website Graphic Designer
UK Ink Designer
US American Public Media Group Project Manager, Digital Products
US Industry Dive Interactive Designer
US San Francisco Chronicle Interactive Developer
US The Wall Street Journal Head of Data

Project funding:

| Deadline | Fund | | ——– | —- | Rolling | Solutions Journalism Network Freelance Fund Rolling | Ukraine Media Development Fund Rolling | Contest fees for submitting solutions stories January | Journalism scholarships for software developers January | Entrepreneurial Journalism cohort

Category: Newsletter