It's Media Party time

Aug 11, 2019

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Guess what, hacks and hackers! Some of the year’s biggest gatherings are coming up soon. The Buenos Aires group got together Friday to plan some last-minute details of Media Party later this month, which is probably the biggest Hacks/Hackers event in the world.

And next month, ONA is coming to New Orleans. If you have an idea for an ONA-related event, or are looking for a sponsor for your ONA event, please get in touch.

The week ahead:

Worth a read:

  • Daily newspapers are cutting down from daily printing, and NiemanLab says many are dropping to not just some days, but just a few (NiemanLab)
  • A different kind of productivity thinkpiece: Dropbox published their guide to getting work done in an open plan office (Dropbox)
  • Chequeado, a fact-checking group in Argentina, convinced a staggering 130 media organizations agree to fact-check each other’s work (Knight Center)

Upcoming events:

Month Day City Country Event
August 14-19 Riga Latvia Investigative Reporter Summer School
August 29-31 Buenos Aires Argentina Media Party
September 9-10 New Orleans US ASNE News Leaders Conference
September 11 New Orleans US Workshop: How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust
September 12-14 New Orleans US Online News Association Conference
September 16-20 Fukoka Japan W3C TPAC
September 26-27 Copenhagen Denmark News Impact Academy: Newsroom Leadership
September 26-29 Hamburg Germany Global Investigative Journalism Conference
October 4 Cambridge US Workshop on Disinformation at Harvard
October 4-5 London UK Conference for Truth and Trust Online
October 7 Birmingham UK News Impact Summit: A New Era for Climate Change Reporting
October 14-16 Ljubljana Slovenia IPTC Autumn Meeting
October 21-22 Bucharest Romania News Impact Academy: What Analytics Matter in 2019
October 21-27 London UK MozFest
October 23-25 Munich Germany Medientage Munchen
October 28-30 Johannesburg South Africa African Investigative Journalism Conference
November 15 Lyon France News Impact Summit: Covering Politics in the Misinformation Age
December 6 Munich Germany News Impact Summit: Identity and Inclusion in Local News

Other opportunities:

Deadline Fund
August 16 Award for young journalists from developing countries
August 31 Grant for UAV drone data innovations
September 8 Brazilian Data Journalism Award
September 23 FIJ grant to cover US-focused watchdog stories
September 27 Apply to be a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow
Rolling Solutions Journalism Netw Freelance Fund
Rolling Ukraine Media Development Fund
Rolling Contest fees for submitting solutions stories

Category: Newsletter