Welcome to May, hacks and hackers! PyCon Africa is a new conference happening this August in Ghana, and they’re currently looking for workshop and presentation submissions that cover topics like data, web/dev ops and general Python.
📢Our Call for Proposals is still open! Submit your proposal here🔸https://t.co/zCudgmOTIv Proposal deadline is June 01, 2019 #PyCon #Python #Conference #PythonAfrica
— Pycon Africa (@pyconafrica) April 24, 2019 Submit your proposals here by June 1, and apply for financial assistant to attend the conference here by June 10.
Hello, hacks and hackers! The DADI Foundation is conducting research into how technology affects democracy, and it’s looking for submissions of case studies for projects that use tech for democracy from around the world.
Hi, the DADI Foundation are looking at case studies for projects that use tech for democracy from around the world. It would be great to hear from anyone @HacksHackers who are developing interesting tools. More information here… https://t.
Happy early Earth day, hacks and hackers! Chapters on four different continents are holding meetups this week, covering topics like open data, space technology and the IoT.
Check out this Meetup: Visualising for Space from Low-Earth orbit https://t.co/GmStro4x0r #Meetup #Singapore via @Meetup
— Rebecca Pazos (@vivi_pazos) April 12, 2019 In addition, the LA Times is hiring for over a dozen news nerd jobs! To find the full list of jobs they’re hiring for or find other news nerd jobs, scroll down to check the job openings section.
Hello, hacks and hackers! With the amount of technology involved in journalism growing, many newsrooms hire product managers to develop internal news products. The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is offering a course on teaching ‘Product Management for Newsroom Leaders’ this spring.
Sign up now for the @utknightcenter's new online course “Product Management for Newsroom Leaders,” taught by product thinking experts @becca_aa, @shanbow, @emmacarew and @CindyRoyal. https://t.co/PNPfg6HBLe pic.twitter.com/cS0qZ6CX3Q
Greetings, hacks and hackers! The International Journalism Festival happened this weekend in Perugia, Italy, and if you weren’t able to be there, the #IFJ19 tweeters have you covered.
Something BIG just happened! Today, we launched https://t.co/PfOfzBimpB. It combines online training courses, long reads from the best #ddj experts and community forums. Start exploring now! #ifj19 #data #journalism pic.twitter.com/fJzAVDOOuG
— DataJournalism.com (@datajournalism) April 4, 2019 It also saw the launch of datajournalism.
Hello, hacks and hackers! OpenNews opened a new round of scholarships focusing on journalism & tech events from April through September.
Applications are open TODAY for our second round of 2019 ticket+travel scholarships! Is there a journalism event coming up that could transform the way you work? Tell us about it! https://t.co/qKbWnpRmmN
— OpenNews (@opennews) March 26, 2019 The scholarships cover the cost of registration plus an extra $500 USD for travel.
Hello, hacks and hackers! You have a couple more weeks to submit your projects for the Data Journalism Awards this year.
18! You have only 18 more days to submit your project for the #datajournalismawards as the deadline is 7 April. Check out the 12 awards categories:https://t.co/hTsuF7ermt
— Global Editors Network (@GENinnovate) March 20, 2019 Also, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) launched a new survey to expand on its 2017 study on the State of Technology in Global Newsrooms.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, hacks and hackers. Hacks/Hackers London has a new YouTube channel, where you can watch presentations if you couldn’t make it out to their meetups:
Great turnout for this month's @HacksHackersLDN at @GoogleUK. Detailed presentations and takeaways, see the highlights on #HHLDN or their YouTube channel: https://t.co/WXXe7LxVDk pic.twitter.com/VTni2TJuSj
— Matt Cooke (@mattcooke_uk) March 13, 2019 If you’ve got news from your own chapter, or anything else you’d like to share, please get in touch.
Welcome back, hacks and hackers! This Sunday marks the end of the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting conference, aka NICAR, and one of the events nearest and dearest to Hacks/Hackers’ mission.
Hey #NICAR19: I'm collecting #NICAR2019 links to presentations, tip sheets, tools & work samples (because I don't think @MacDiva is doing it this year). Tweet or email me, or submit at https://t.co/6QO2S1mZy0
Searchable table of resources at https://t.co/jIKhCQch0O pic.twitter.com/1OBcWNWOnd
Hi again, hacks and hackers! This week we’re excited to announce our 116th chapter, Hacks/Hackers NE England. Their first meetup takes place this week in Newcastle upon Tyne. Welcome, Northerners!
⚡ ANNOUNCING:#HHNE is coming! In partnership with @CivicJLab and sponsored by @sopost
YES, there'll be pizza🍕
YES, there'll be beer 🍺
BETTER YET, there will be first-class talks about #tech and #journalism.
Grab your ticket! #ThisIsMINEhttps://t.co/5ZHU2K6cbQ
— Hacks/Hackers NE (@HacksHackersNE) February 22, 2019 In other news, please join us on our regular global call on Wednesday if you have any questions or anything to share about your local HH group.