Hackathon[YAN] Yerevan 2011
Public Journalism Club a Yerevan based Non-Profit, chapter of Hacks/Hackers in Armenia and Microsoft Innovation Center in Armenia in association with Yerevan City Hall will launch Hackathon[YAN] Yerevan 2011 contest of innovative ideas that will take place on 17 December, 2011 in Yerevan, Armenia.
Why Hackathon[YAN] ? Well, because most Armenian last names end with YAN This will be the first large scale Hackathon organized in Armenia.
![Hacks/Hackers Hacking @ ONA11][1]
Hacks/Hackers’ first annual hack day at ONA11 brought journalists and developers together to make ideas real. We built on the success of last year’s Hacks/Hackers @ ONA hack day by bringing about 45 people together in Boston. They showed up with data sets; reporting, analysis and coding skills, and a willingness to collaborate on a wide variety of ideas. In the end, ad hoc teams hatched seven projects, of which the judges gave awards to four.
Today we’re launching a new Hacks/Hackers series on Poynter. Each week we’ll feature a How To on new tools and emerging trends in technology.
The first in the series is Katharine Jarmul, @kjam, on finding and using good APIs for data. You can check it out here.
Robert Hernandez, @webjournalist, and I, @bethdavidz, are putting together the series with the help Poynter’s Mallary Tenore, @mallarytenore, our incredible editor.
A new chapter of Hacks/Hackers is launching in Brighton, a city on the south coast of the UK, home to a wealth of developer and journalistic talent.
Hacks/Hackers Brighton will kick off with a meetup from 3.30-5.30pm on Thursday 8 September in the Brighton Dome.
The event will be part of the Brighton Digital Festival, a month-long celebration of digital culture, and is organised by industry news and jobs site Journalism.
For the second year in a row, Hacks/Hackers and The Poynter Institute are offering one full scholarship (a $895 value!) to attend Building News Applications With Data, a three-day seminar in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Apply with this Google form.
The seminar takes place Aug. 17-19, 2011. Faculty includes Hacks/Hackers co-founder Aron Pilhofer of The New York Times; John Keefe of Senior Executive Producer for News at WNYC, New York Public Radio; and Matt Waite, professor of journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and designer of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact at the St.
This post also in english
Llega el segundo encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires – Demo Day, y una semana después, el primer Hackatón en Rosario, a 300 kilómetros de Buenos Aires, en el marco del 4° Foro Internacional de Periodismo Digital de Rosario. En el primer encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires se reunieron cerca de 140 profesionales, entre editores, periodistas e importantes desarrolladores y se dispararon proyectos y propuestas.
Almost two years ago, a couple of people interested in computer programming in journalism brainstormed an idea for a website where software developers working in journalism and media could go to get solutions to their programming problems from their peers.
The site — at help.hackshackers.com — has been running since launched in April 2010, attracting more than 200 registered users, 145 questions and more than 500,000 page views.
Do you have ideas for how news and journalism can be edgier, cooler, and more interactive online? Are you a web developer? A designer? A news junkie with a hankering to hack?
If so, join Mozilla, Knight Foundation, Hacks/Hackers London & The Guardian, on May 28 in London for an all-day brainstorm and design jam about the future of journalism online.
Qualify directly for a yearlong paid fellowship at the Guardian, the BBC and other major news outlets by entering your idea during the jam.
Journalists, developers and designers:
Join Hacks/Hackers for Hacks/Hackers Hacking @ ONA11 in Boston on Sept. 22!
We’re holding a hack day sponsored by Knight-Mozilla News Tech Partnership and additional partners (to be announced) the day before Online News Association annual conference general sessions.
Meet new people, make new friends and prototype projects with code, wireframes and websites at the Microsoft NERD Center. What we produce together at the all-day hackathon will help shape the future of news and civic information.
BlogWorld & New Media Expo will be in New York from May 24 to May 26, and Hacks/Hackers is offering members 20% off registration.
tl;dr, Updated:
Register for BlogWorldExpo with discount code HHVIP20 to get 20% off all registration rates. Register by April 14 to get the lowest price. Full details about the conference and exhibitors can be found on the BlogWorld & New Media Expo website.
The longer version: