
UPDATED: Seattle Demo Day Presenters Announced

UPDATE: Watch UStream video of the 2011 Seattle Hacks/Hackers demo beginning at 6:3o p.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2011. Free live streaming by Ustream Thanks to everyone who submitted entries for our first demo event! We received far more applications than we could accommodate for this first round. The bad news: We couldn’t possibly fit all of your presentation pitches into one event. The good news: We’re already thinking of new ways to feature innovative projects, products and ideas in the coming months!

Mar 23, 2011

Do You Want to Play a Game? News + Gaming hackathon on April 22-23

We’re hosting a News+Gaming hackathon on April 22 and 23, at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, sponsored by Seattle-based BigDoor, which offers a gamification API. To participate, register on our page. We will have great food. The agenda: – Friday, April 22, 6:30 p.m.: Social event with talks about gaming mechanics (alcohol too!). Find hack day partners for Saturday and share ideas. – Saturday, April 23: Daylong hackathon at CUNY in midtown starting at ~9 a.

Mar 22, 2011

Coding for Beginners, taught by Dan Nguyen at General Assembly, Thursday, 3/24 8 pm

Update: It’s sold out and we are seeing huge demand for another class. So we are working on finding new time/space. Hacks/Hackers is teaming up with tech space General Assembly to start offering courses in the digital journalism space! Our first offering is by Dan Nguyen (@dancow), a news application developer at Pro Publica (and photographer of many of our Hacks/Hackers events), who will be teaching “Coding for Beginners.” Date & Time: Thursday, March 24, 8-9:30 p.

Mar 15, 2011

Awesomest Journalism Party. Ever @ SXSW

Please join Hacks/Hackers, Online News Association, Poynter Institute, Association of Alternative Newsweeklies Vision Cloud, Scribd, Tableau Software and more for a rockin’ party during SXSW. It’s the Awesomest Journalism Party. Ever. Really. And you’re invited for music and fun with some of the most innovative journalists and developers in the country. Where: The Marq, 422 Congress Ave. When: Sunday, March 13, 4-7pm Please visit the Awesomest Journalism Party. Ever site for more details and to RSVP.

Mar 1, 2011

Save the Date: Gaming + News Hackathon in NYC on April 22-23, 2011

Save the date! Hacks/Hackers NYC will be hosting a News+Gaming hackathon on April 22 and 23, at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, sponsored by Seattle-based BigDoor, which offers a gamification API. Plans are still coming together. But it looks like we will do a Friday night social event with talks about gaming with speakers from BigDoor and elsewhere. (Know anyone? Email nyc[at]hackshackers[dot]com with why that person is good) Then Saturday is the daylong hackathon at CUNY in midtown.

Feb 23, 2011

Hacks/Hackers NYC: Wikileaks – Data Science & Data Journalism

When WikiLeaks released the Afghanistan and Iraq war logs, news organizations and the public alike sprang into action to understand the documents. The New York Times was instrumental in analyzing and reporting the story in articles, photographs, maps and graphic information. Meanwhile, several local hackers worked on their own data visualizations and were featured soon after on Wired, NPR and the New York Times. RSVP now to join Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 9 at New Work City to learn how the analyses were done, the importance of independent validation checks on data, and see further examples of their work.

Feb 20, 2011

Get hands-on data visualization training at Newscamp

From intricate interactive maps to stunning visualizations, news organizations like The New York Times and Washington Post make data come alive for readers. Join Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), in partnership with Hacks/Hackers, for NewsCamp on Feb. 24 in Raleigh, N.C., and you too can learn from the best in the business — whether you’re a rank beginner, or experienced designer/developer. This daylong workshop will tackle subjects ranging from storytelling without words to best practices and emerging technologies.

Jan 10, 2011

Hacks/Hackers LA Data event, Thursday Dec. 16

The first ever proper Hacks/Hackers Los Angeles event is coming up this Thursday, December 16. Its on the topic of Data—finding it, making sense of it, visualizing it, telling stories with it. And we’ve got four awesome speakers lined up. Thursday, 12⁄16 7:30pm Crawford Family Forum at KPCC 474 South Raymond Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 RSVP on Meetup The event will include four panelists, ranging from developers to artists, to talk us through the processes and philosophies of data visualization.

Dec 14, 2010

New York, RSVP for the Dec. 20 Hacks/Hackers NYC Holiday Fête

Update: RSVP now for the Hacks/Hackers Holiday Fête on Dec. 20 at Galapagos Art Space in DUMBO! Doors will open at 7 p.m. Crave will be catering the evening. Thanks very much to our sponsors: Gawker Media, Scribd, Soundnote, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and Nearsay. We’re still looking for some help. Contact us if: Your business wants to sponsor the evening You’re a video DJ who wants to take advantage of Galapagos’s projection setup You want to donate prizes of assorted, sundry lots You’d like to meet the Hacks/Hackers community by volunteering at the door You’ve got other cool ideas to integrate into the party Let us know at nyc[at]hackshackers.

Dec 5, 2010