At the upcoming meeting of Hacks/Hackers of Buenos Aires, we will be joined by Xavier Damman, the co-founder of, a site that is changing the way we tell stories in the media and through social networks. Damman is an entrepreneur based in San Francisco, passionate about new media and democracy, and the founder of At the meeting, we will also announce two upcoming meetings, one on Big Data and the other on Google Fusion Tables.
At the third Hacks/Hackers NYC Demo Day, six speakers whizzed through their presentations covering several topics, from real-time data collection to content management systems.
Here’s a rundown (in order of appearance):
Chris van der Walt kicked off the session with his project HunchWorks. The social media platform is part of the Global Pulse initiative, the United Nations effort to find new ways to collect real-time data and create platforms to connect people worldwide.
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Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires held a super “Demo Day” in Buenos Aires, followed by sending a team to a hackathon in Rosario, located 300 km from the capital of Argentina. The meeting also drew investors and entrepreneurs in the tech world.
Malte Spitz of Germany was the keynote to the second Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires meetup, which drew more than 150 people at Areatres – Palermo Hollywood.
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De pronto, sucedieron dos eventos con apenas una semana de diferencia: un super “Demo Day” en Buenos Aires, y un mini-hackatón en Rosario, a 300 kilómetros de la capital argentina. El alemán Malte Spitz fue la figura central del segundo Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, encuentro entre periodistas y programadores que reunió más de 150 personas, en Areatres – Palermo Hollywood. Su presencia estuvo amenazada por las cenizas volcánicas que se esparcieron por Argentina, pero finalmente pudo llegar a contar su increíble historia de periodismo de datos.
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The second meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires – Demo Day will take place on June 8, and will be followed a week later on June 15 and 16 by our first hackathon in Rosario, which is located 300 kilometers from Buenos Aires, as part ofthe 4th International Forum on Digital Journalism Rosario.
We hope to have a good turnout at both, as in the first meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires we gathered about 140 professionals, including editors, journalists and major developers and started projects and proposals.
Hacks/Hackers NYC Demo Day 2, held at New Work City, covered a lot of ground. A crowd gathered for dinner from 4food followed by six entertaining and informative presentations covering the spectrum of news and hacking, from content generation to mapping, with a dose of security and a hardware demo too.
Each demo was strictly limited to 5 minutes. Here’s a brief overview of each one, with highlights from the presentations and Q&A.
The line up for the
April 5 Demo Day has been announced. You’ll hear from:
Toby Murdock, Kapost publishing system Matt Terenzio, Localeaks anonymous news tips Jonathan Hall, SenseCast Kinect-driven news displays Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project open-source mobile security Larry Adams, Narrative Science data-driven story generator Steven Romalewski and David Burgoon, OASISnyc interactive New York City maps The lightning talks are 5 minutes a piece, with a brief Q&A after each.
In December, we had held a Demo Day with 5-minute lightning talks (presentations) from ProPublica,, Slate, TPM and others.
We’re holding another one on April 5 at New Work City, and want you to present your demonstrations of journalism and technology-related projects, software and APIs.
Fill out this form now ( to pitch your idea, and we’ll be in touch by March 31 to let you know if you’ll be doing a demo.
The New York City chapter of Hacks/Hackers met last Wednesday, December 3rd for Demo Day at the generously donated space, New Work City. The pizza was delicious and the place was packed. People had to raise their hands if there was an empty seat. Let’s time travel back to Wednesday, December 1, 2010 – at 8pm-ish, and learn what these folks are up to.
We’re happy to announce the second gathering of Hacks/Hackers Toronto. This gathering is right in the heart of holiday season, so we’re calling it a holiday gathering.
However, there will be no jolly men in red suits or mistletoe at this event, we assure you. Instead, we will have a handful of local hacks and hackers who will each entertain us with a short, Ignite-style, presentation. Each presentation will explore that special place where journalism and technology collide and will — hopefully!