
Knight, Mozilla launch news innovation challenge

How can you not love a meeting that starts with: “There’s the pizza, beer and colored markers, go for it.”

Mozilla’s News Technology Program Manager Nathaniel James opened the April 26 Bay Area Hacks & Hackers Meetup with the world debut of the Knight-Mozilla News Innovation Challenge.

The short story from the website:

[The] partnership is a three-year initiative of the Knight Foundation and Mozilla to harness open-web innovation for journalism.

Through a series of innovation challenges and community events, we will identity 15 fellows that will be embedded in leading newsrooms around the world. These fellows will create new tools, ideas, and news experiences that benefit both readers and newsmakers—all using open technologies.

May 2, 2011

Hacks/Hackers invades Buenos Aires with data journalism and journalism with data

Usted puede leer este post en español. Isn’t that symbolic? __We didn’t used traditional media to bring the 140 or so people to the inaugural meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, which took place in AreaTres – Hollywood this 4⁄28. Editors and journalists from Argentina publications like Página/12, La Nación, Apertura; NGOs such as Fundación Huesped; and a vast number of digital developers and entrepreneurs, accepted the proposal to meet to consider new ways thinking and doing journalism.

Apr 29, 2011

¡Invasión de Hacks/Hackers en Buenos Aires! Periodismo de datos y datos para el periodismo

You can also read this post in English. _ ¿No es simbólico? No usamos medios tradicionales para reunir a unas 140 personas en el encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, que ocurrió en AreaTres – Hollywood el pasado 28 de abril. Editores y periodistas de medios argentinos como Página/12, La Nación, Apertura, entre otros, de organizaciones no gubernamentales como Fundación Huesped, y una vasta cantidad de desarrolladores y emprendedores del mundo digital aceptaron la propuesta de reunirse para pensar en nuevas formas de hacer periodismo digital.

Apr 29, 2011

Hacks/Hackers Chicago + Chicago Python Users Group on 4/14

The Chicago Tribune News Applications team wants to introduce hacks to hackers, thus hosting the April meeting of the Chicago Python Users Group (ChiPy, and planning an agenda that should be of crossover interest to journalists and coders alike. Time: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7 pm Place: Tribune Tower, 435 N Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL The main event will be a reprise of Christopher Groskopf‘s PyCon 2011 talk, “Best Practices for Impossible Deadlines,” where he provides a general overview of how the Tribune NewsApps team has developed its methodology for building applications at the speed of news.

Mar 30, 2011

Hacks/Hackers Toronto Meetup on March 29 at Radiolaria

Join Hacks/Hackers Toronto on March 29th for an evening of presentations, demos and chatter on the topic of online communities and journalism. We have three terrific talks planned, and we have an exciting new space to host the event and foster conversation afterwards. Craig Silverman, Ivor Tossell, Kim Fox, Mason Wright, Phillip Smith are hosting. Time: 7 p.m. March 28. Place: Radiolaria 1166 Dundas St West Toronto, ON Itinerary: First, Kim Fox of CBC News online and Jennifer MacMillan of The Globe and Mail will talk about different approaches to story comments — why we open stories to comments, when to allow them and factors to consider.

Mar 23, 2011

Demo Day 2 at Hacks/Hackers NYC on April 5

In December, we had held a Demo Day with 5-minute lightning talks (presentations) from ProPublica,, Slate, TPM and others. We’re holding another one on April 5 at New Work City, and want you to present your demonstrations of journalism and technology-related projects, software and APIs. Fill out this form now ( to pitch your idea, and we’ll be in touch by March 31 to let you know if you’ll be doing a demo.

Mar 11, 2011

Google Fusion Tables at Hacks/Hackers NYC. Talk + workshop, March 7-8

Google is sending developer relations engineer Kathryn Hurley from the Bay Area to demo how Google Fusion Tables can be used for journalistic purposes. RSVP now for two separate but related events at Pivotal Labs, near Union Square: Join Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 7 at 6:30 p.m. for an overview of Google Fusion Tables Get hands-on training with Kathryn Hurley and Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 8 at 6:30 p.m. So what exactly is Google Fusion Tables?

Feb 23, 2011

Mobile, Gawker redesign, and Twitterfication of news at Hacks/Hackers Boston

The future of news is snuggled in your pocket. The number of people reading news on mobile devices is surging, finally fulfilling the future that has been predicted for smartphones over the past few years. Last night, Hacks Hackers Boston held a discussion on the topic “Start the Presses: News sites of the future, told by the people building them.” The panel, which drew around 100 people, was held at The Boston Globe headquarters and discussed where news sites were headed, specifically looking at content management systems (CMSs), such as Drupal and WordPress.

Feb 23, 2011

Hacks/Hackers NYC: Wikileaks – Data Science & Data Journalism

When WikiLeaks released the Afghanistan and Iraq war logs, news organizations and the public alike sprang into action to understand the documents. The New York Times was instrumental in analyzing and reporting the story in articles, photographs, maps and graphic information. Meanwhile, several local hackers worked on their own data visualizations and were featured soon after on Wired, NPR and the New York Times. RSVP now to join Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 9 at New Work City to learn how the analyses were done, the importance of independent validation checks on data, and see further examples of their work.

Feb 20, 2011

Google’s Ngram attracts a crowd

Take 15 million books and 4 billion words, use a simple interface to search for a few words or phrases, and presto – you have Google’s Ngram Viewer. Ngram creates charts that show how often words or phrases have occurred in books since 1800. It can be used to trace to rise and decline of certain words, giving clues to researchers. Or it can be used for simple fun – (Red Sox, Yankees).

Feb 14, 2011