by Cedric Sam
Hello hacks and hackers! I’ve had a grand time organizing Hacks/Hackers Hong Kong with my co-organizers Jane, Olivia, and Darcy, since we founded the chapter in 2013.
(Shout-out to Yolanda, who first got in touch with the organization, and all of our participants throughout the years, including super-dedicated Isao, who flew in three times from Nagoya to attend!)
It’s been a fun ride, but I’ve now moved to New York.
We’re launching a new newsletter as a way for you to learn from and about what’s going on in the more than 70(!) Hacks/Hackers chapters around the world. Each newsletter will include a list of upcoming events, a section spotlighting an interesting chapter or member, a few links about industry news or other popular topics, and a suggested call to action if you want to get more involved.
Sign up below, or at http://bit.
La red global que trabaja por el futuro del periodismo encontró su nicho en Asunción, la capital de Paraguay, desde mayo de este año. Con el apoyo y el interés de desarrolladores Web, diseñadores, periodistas, comunicadores, y profesionales de diversas disciplinas, Hacks/Hackers Asu ha iniciado sus primeras actividades con miras a crear una comunidad activa de innovadores dispuestos a romper esquemas tradicionales y llevar el periodismo a un nuevo nivel.
Yes! The Danish chapter of Hacks/Hackers is now rolling. Huge support for mixer and great support for an event committee to help create future events.
The latest Hacks/Hackers event brought together the creator of Pocket and Matter, and a former head editor to talk about ways to make money from serious journalism
How to curate and present big data sets in India? A group of about 70 coders and journalists met for the first Hacks/Hackers New Delhi hackathon in order to answer that question.
Attendees introduced themselves to the group and then pitched an idea for a data-driven story. Initial ideas included stories in environment, sports, health and crime. The group then broke into smaller groups of six to eight people, working to scrape and parse their data before coding their interactive data visualizations.
Bogota, Colombia now has a Hacks/Hackers chapter and we are excited to be a new addition to the Hacks/Hackers family.
Our Bogota group is already up and running with plans for a hackathon on Aug. 11 to build a crowdsourced map to assess environmental issues in Colombia’s capital city.
We took that decision at our second meeting at the end of May — when 40 hacks and hackers voted to make that the first chapter project — a proposal put forward by co-organizers Ronnie Lover, a Knight International Journalism Fellow in Colombia and Renata Cabrales, social media editor at El Tiempo newspaper.
In an era of “show, don’t just tell,” data visualization in journalism has become an increasingly important component of news reporting.
Alastair Dant, interactive lead at The Guardian in London, joined Hacks/Hackers NYC on Sept. 19 for a presentation on his team’s work in reporting stories with big datasets.
Jeremy Caplan, Education Director at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, compiled notes from Alistair’s talk.
The Guardian first explored aggregate analysis and data visualization last year with an award-winning graphic that replays World Cup games, condensing 90 minutes of tweets into 90 seconds of interactive animation.
Brighton, England’s Hacks/Hackers kickoff event starts today with a great lineup planned. Better yet, Hacks/Hackers Brighton will be live streaming the talks at around 3:30 BST (10:30 a.m. ET/7:30 a.m. PT or check your local time)
You can also follow along on Twitter at #hhbtn.
Scheduled speakers include:
Tom Hume and James Hugman from Future Platforms, showing Guardian Anywhere, an unofficial Guardian app for Android Robert Douglas from Ribot, who will demo a yet-to-be-released HTML5 Web app for mobile powered by the Guardian API Laura Oliver, community coordinator at the Guardian, who will show how Ushahidi-powered Crowdmap was used during clean up after the riots.
by Sandra Fish
How can nonprofit news organizations build community and produce content across platforms while also building sustainable business models?
That’s the complex question that emerged from the August meetup of Hacks/Hackers Colorado. Three nonprofits and one location-based startup made presentations to about 40 people Monday, Aug. 8, at the Techstars bunker in Boulder. Here’s a brief overview:
Laura Frank founded the I-News Investigative Network in 2010 to produce investigative news stories across platforms to be used by news organizations in Colorado.