
Poynter/Hacks/Hackers Series Launched, Looking for Writers

Today we’re launching a new Hacks/Hackers series on Poynter. Each week we’ll feature a How To on new tools and emerging trends in technology. The first in the series is Katharine Jarmul, @kjam, on finding and using good APIs for data. You can check it out here. Robert Hernandez, @webjournalist, and I, @bethdavidz, are putting together the series with the help Poynter’s Mallary Tenore, @mallarytenore, our incredible editor.

Aug 8, 2011

Hackathon in Tecnopolis Argentina: extracting data from documents

Post en español Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires is announcing a hackathon (a day of programming between journalists and software developers) in order to work on Mapa76.Info, an Internet software for the automatic extraction and visualization of data from text documents. The hackathon will take place on Saturday, August 13, in the pressroom of the mega-exhibition Tecnopolis Argentina (photo) and will focus on the trials of the last military dictatorship, which are currently in progress.

Jul 30, 2011

Hackatón en Tecnópolis Argentina: extracción automática de datos desde documentos

English post here!**[ ]2** ** Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires convoca a un hackatón (una jornada de programación entre periodistas y programadores de software) con el objetivo de trabajar sobre Mapa76.Info, un software de Internet para extracción y visualización automática de datos desde documentos de texto. En este caso el hackatón sucederá el sábado 13 de agosto en la sala de prensa de la megamuestra argentina Tecnópolis (foto) y estará dedicado a los juicios de la última dictadura militar actualmente en curso.

Jul 29, 2011

Hacks/Hackers Brighton launches Sept. 8

A new chapter of Hacks/Hackers is launching in Brighton, a city on the south coast of the UK, home to a wealth of developer and journalistic talent. Hacks/Hackers Brighton will kick off with a meetup from 3.30-5.30pm on Thursday 8 September in the Brighton Dome. The event will be part of the Brighton Digital Festival, a month-long celebration of digital culture, and is organised by industry news and jobs site Journalism.

Jul 26, 2011

Win a Scholarship to Poynter’s News Applications Seminar

For the second year in a row, Hacks/Hackers and The Poynter Institute are offering one full scholarship (a $895 value!) to attend Building News Applications With Data, a three-day seminar in St. Petersburg, Fla. Apply with this Google form. The seminar takes place Aug. 17-19, 2011. Faculty includes Hacks/Hackers co-founder Aron Pilhofer of The New York Times; John Keefe of Senior Executive Producer for News at WNYC, New York Public Radio; and Matt Waite, professor of journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and designer of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact at the St.

Jul 12, 2011

Design Thinking taught by Hong Qu at Hacks/Hackers NYC

The Design Thinking hands-on workshop with Hong Qu, one of the first designers at YouTube, took place at the CUNY Journalism school. It led the attendees through the premise behind user persona testing. Then Hong had us get together with teams and create user persona scenarios and wireframes for 5 ideas submitted by attendees; first on paper, then with Omnigraffle. The team topics: Finding medical price info Gourmeet Penpal news Event sign-up Videogames: mobile mall stats page Hong explained that taking the time to identify users and iteratively build from paper to wireframe and onward minimizes the risk of making something unusable.

Jun 16, 2011

Integrating Tech Skills in Your Communications Career at Hacks/Hackers Austin

[]12 Austin’s Hacks and Hackers came out for this panel on Integrating Tech Skills in Your Communications Career, a topic that is of great interest to students, recent grads, job-seekers and seasoned professionals, as they wish to update their skills to reflect the coding and social media requirements of modern media. This panel included four recent graduates who are all using tech skills in different ways in communications careers.

Jun 12, 2011

Going beyond comments at Hacks/Hackers NYC

Last week was a bit of a blur: after meeting with the Chicago Tribune News Applications team, and descending into the Tribune dungeon for an evening of brainstorming with the local Hacks/Hackers chapter, I was off to New York for the Hacks/Hackers NYC “Beyond Comments: Discuss, brainstorm with Shirky, Michel, Gupta” event at NYU’s Tisch School for the Arts (home of the ITP program). Sadly, I didn’t manage to capture Clay Shirky’s talk where he touched on some of his recent research into online conversations.

Jun 11, 2011

Buenos Aires Demo Day on June 8, followed by Hackathon @ Rosario on June 15-16

Lea este post en español The second meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires – Demo Day will take place on June 8, and will be followed a week later on June 15 and 16 by our first hackathon in Rosario, which is located 300 kilometers from Buenos Aires, as part ofthe 4th International Forum on Digital Journalism Rosario. We hope to have a good turnout at both, as in the first meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires we gathered about 140 professionals, including editors, journalists and major developers and started projects and proposals.

Jun 2, 2011

Demo Day at Colorado’s Hacks/Hackers

I’m happy to announce that we’ve successfully launched a Hacks/Hackers Meetup in Colorado. We now have two Meetups under our belt and both have gone great. Both Denver and Boulder have a strong history in both publishing and technology. Two of the largest publishing startups in the past decade, The Examiner and Associated Content, both came from this area. With Techstars, the five-year-old incubator that was just voted the top ranked in the country, Boulder’s startup ecosystem continues to grow and produce more and more innovative companies.

Jun 2, 2011