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Llega el segundo encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires – Demo Day, y una semana después, el primer Hackatón en Rosario, a 300 kilómetros de Buenos Aires, en el marco del 4° Foro Internacional de Periodismo Digital de Rosario. En el primer encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires se reunieron cerca de 140 profesionales, entre editores, periodistas e importantes desarrolladores y se dispararon proyectos y propuestas.
By Katherine Zhu
A group of 30-plus hacks and hackers gathered last week in the basement of the Tribune Tower for a “MoJo Beerstorm.”
The event, hosted by the Chicago chapter of Hacks/Hackers, was a brainstorming meeting intended to inspire participants to submit ideas for the Knight/Mozilla MoJo Innovation Challenge – a chance for individuals to shape the future of news and re-open the web, à la Firefox.
Phillip Smith, a key leader of the MoJo Challenge, flew in from Toronto to attend the May 24 event.
Almost two years ago, a couple of people interested in computer programming in journalism brainstormed an idea for a website where software developers working in journalism and media could go to get solutions to their programming problems from their peers.
The site — at — has been running since launched in April 2010, attracting more than 200 registered users, 145 questions and more than 500,000 page views.
Do you have ideas for how news and journalism can be edgier, cooler, and more interactive online? Are you a web developer? A designer? A news junkie with a hankering to hack?
If so, join Mozilla, Knight Foundation, Hacks/Hackers London & The Guardian, on May 28 in London for an all-day brainstorm and design jam about the future of journalism online.
Qualify directly for a yearlong paid fellowship at the Guardian, the BBC and other major news outlets by entering your idea during the jam.
Join Hacks/Hackers Austin on June 7 for a panel discussion on ways to integrate tech skills in a communications career. Four recent grads will discuss their positions at the Statesman, Austin Post, Texas Tribune and Facebook. They will share their experiences in using technology in their jobs and personal lives, what they learned in school, what they wish they had learned and how they acquire the skills they need. The panel will be moderated by Travis Swicegood (@tswicegood), a developer at Texas Tribune, who will provide the context of how technology is shaping processes in the modern newsroom.
Walking and biking to work is most popular in Nunavut. Canada’s federal Conservative Party raises more funds through personal donations than the rival Liberal Party does overall. And in Ottawa, you’re most likely to get a parking ticket on Lynda Lane, not far from the Ottawa Hospital.
Each of these tidbits, a story in their own right, and many more tales buried, sometimes deeply, in publicly available data were revealed the inaugural Hacks/Hackers Ottawa event on May 12.
On May 3, Hacks and Hackers from the Austin area got together to watch two presentations. Marcus Mateus of Simplitex discussed the role of data in creating landing pages, providing more information about users and boosting conversion rates. Then Rodney Gibbs and Michael Baird of Ricochet Labs talked about the inception of their trivia app QRANK. The meeting was sponsored by Paintbrush Ranch in Wimberley (thanks to Lewis Knight).
Usted puede leer este post en español.
Isn’t that symbolic?
__We didn’t used traditional media to bring the 140 or so people to the inaugural meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, which took place in AreaTres – Hollywood this 4⁄28.
Editors and journalists from Argentina publications like Página/12, La Nación, Apertura; NGOs such as Fundación Huesped; and a vast number of digital developers and entrepreneurs, accepted the proposal to meet to consider new ways thinking and doing journalism.
You can also read this post in English.
¿No es simbólico?
No usamos medios tradicionales para reunir a unas 140 personas en el encuentro de Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, que ocurrió en AreaTres – Hollywood el pasado 28 de abril.
Editores y periodistas de medios argentinos como Página/12, La Nación, Apertura, entre otros, de organizaciones no gubernamentales como Fundación Huesped, y una vasta cantidad de desarrolladores y emprendedores del mundo digital aceptaron la propuesta de reunirse para pensar en nuevas formas de hacer periodismo digital.
Please join Hacks/Hackers ATX on Tues, May 3 at the Texas Tribune, starting at 6:30pm. We’ll have refreshments sponsored by Paintbrush Ranch Bed and Breakfast, thanks to Lewis Knight! We’ve decided to standardize meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month, so mark your calendars accordingly.
We have two great presenttions for this meetup, which will deal with managing content and analytics and engaging users. First, Marcus Mateus of SimpliTex Web Solutions will discuss “Turning a Nugget of Info about Your Visitors into a Bar of Gold,” sharing some examples and data and introducing his platform.