Tools and Tips for Organizers
Suggest editsDo you want to start a new chapter, join an existing group, or just get more involved in general? Fantastic! Here, we compiled a list of resources as well as some crowdsourced tips from other organizers.
If you’re rebooting a chapter or starting a new one…
- Check out the rules and recommendations for new groups
- Read our list of suggested meetups
- Or Hacks/Hackers Africa’s list of potential meetups
- Erika Owens in Philadelphia published a list of suggestions for organizers
- Cindy Royal in Austin shared tips for a successful hackathon
- Download and customize official logos for your group
- Pose a question on the Google Group for organizers
- Try holding intermittent or quarterly events (quality over quantity!)
- Instead of planning a chapter-wide event, plan a dinner or outing for you and your co-organizers.
- Email us if you have any questions, or just want to brainstorm.
- If you need some startup money, let us know. We might have some money (not much) we can funnel to startup chapters, but $50 can go a long way in a bar toward appetizers
If you want to get more involved…
- Subscribe to the weekly newsletter
- Join our open call the first Wednesday of every month
- Check out the calendar of all Hacks/Hackers meetups worldwide
- Join the Slack channel
If you want to grow your chapter…
- London shared their template for organizer roles and responsibilities (warning: link will download a Word doc), and task assignment worksheet (Word doc)
- Try finding sponsors by making a verbal announcement at your meetup or reaching out to potential sponsors by email
- Make a venue database for your city, so that you (and future organizers) have a place to refer back to