
HACKATHON [YAN] 2012 best 24 hours event in Armenia

HACKATHON [YAN] 2012 Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt. Biggest hack event of Armenia will be a unique opportunity to discuss, invent and implement great ideas !!!! Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia in cooperation with Microsoft RA, Enterprise Incubator Foundation, mLab Regional Mobile Application Laboratory for ECA, Sourcio CJSC and Public Journalism Club, announces a call for Hackathon [YAN] 2012 contest of programming and innovative ideas.

Dec 4, 2012

Knight Fellows demo night @ Bay Area Hacks/Hackers

A Bay Area Hacks/Hackers demo night at Stanford previewed some of the journalistic innovations Knight Fellows are pursuing this year. Knight Fellows are 20 journalists from around the world who spend an academic year at Stanford, exploring and testing their ideas for rethinking news and information. Five of the fellows gave demos of their work – which ranged from a mobile news tip and verification system to developing augmented reality news experiences.

Apr 21, 2011