Google Fusion Tables

How we made our maps | Hacks/Hackers NYC

When a story is best told through a visual representation of geography, maps are often the best way of telling it. Three journalists joined Hacks/Hackers NYC to explain how they approached mapmaking for their recent projects. Slides and code from their presentations are available in this link bundle. While New York was preparing for Hurricane Irene, John Keefe, WNYC’s senior executive producer for news, decided to create a hurricane evacuation map so people could see whether or not they needed to leave their homes.

Nov 6, 2011

Google Fusion Tables at Hacks/Hackers NYC. Talk + workshop, March 7-8

Google is sending developer relations engineer Kathryn Hurley from the Bay Area to demo how Google Fusion Tables can be used for journalistic purposes. RSVP now for two separate but related events at Pivotal Labs, near Union Square: Join Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 7 at 6:30 p.m. for an overview of Google Fusion Tables Get hands-on training with Kathryn Hurley and Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 8 at 6:30 p.m. So what exactly is Google Fusion Tables?

Feb 23, 2011