By Samantha Sunne Hacks/Hackers New Orleans held its first hackathon this week, digging into dirty assessment data, partial wetlands maps, unanswered recycling questions and other problems just waiting to be solved. The organizers partnered with ONA, which also opened a New Orleans group last year. The HH Nola chapter has grown to almost 200 members since it launched about six months ago.
“We were fortunate to have so many talented participants whose interests converged around issues important to our community,” organizer Troy Thibodeaux said.
Get ideas, code and presentations from the eight projects developed at the Media Hack Days.
SuperPACs. Drones. Gerrymandering. Dark Money. How do you quickly illustrate these concepts in a way that is meaningful and impactful to an audience of different education levels and cultural backgrounds? That was the challenge set out before a group of 60 volunteers at the February Hacks/Hackers NYC Investigative Journalism Iconathon led by The Noun Project in partnership with ProPublica.
Journalists, editors, graphic designers, web developers and engaged citizens brainstormed and sketched ideas for icons frequently needed throughout news editorials and applications.
How to curate and present big data sets in India? A group of about 70 coders and journalists met for the first Hacks/Hackers New Delhi hackathon in order to answer that question.
Attendees introduced themselves to the group and then pitched an idea for a data-driven story. Initial ideas included stories in environment, sports, health and crime. The group then broke into smaller groups of six to eight people, working to scrape and parse their data before coding their interactive data visualizations.
Hackathon{YAN} 2012 is already over , winners are announced.
After working over their ideas for 24 hours on December 23, 37 teams presented their projects and prototypes of their ideas.
In total more than 130 people took part in the Hackathon[YAN] 2012, which was the second large scale hackathon in Armenia. The first Hackathon[YAN] took place in 2011.
Awards ceremony for the winners of Hackathon[YAN] 2012 took place on 26 December 2012.
Mi Bogotá Verde, a new, crowdsourced digital map that will track solid waste disposal and other garbage concerns is just a few weeks away from going online in Bogotá.
Hacks/Hackers Bogotá developed this map during its first hackathon Aug. 11.
We got together with the idea of putting together a general environmental map, but as is often the case with a hackathon, what comes in is not necessarily what comes out.
The planets aligned! The Media Party is coming Aug. 30-Sept. 1! Three days of keynotes, workshops and a giant hackathon in Buenos Aires. It’s an event bound to make history. Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires invites journalists, publishers, software developers, designers and entrepreneurs to three days of keynotes, workshops, and a super hackathon to work towards building the future of media.
Star participants of the event include Alastair Dant, Mariana Santos, Alex Graul and Nicola Hughes (The Guardian); Tyson Evans, deputy director of interactive news at The New York Times; Knight Fellow Justin Arenstein, media strategist, Google consultant and ICFJ data fellow; and Dan Sinker, program director of Knight Mozilla OpenNews.
Bogota, Colombia now has a Hacks/Hackers chapter and we are excited to be a new addition to the Hacks/Hackers family.
Our Bogota group is already up and running with plans for a hackathon on Aug. 11 to build a crowdsourced map to assess environmental issues in Colombia’s capital city.
We took that decision at our second meeting at the end of May — when 40 hacks and hackers voted to make that the first chapter project — a proposal put forward by co-organizers Ronnie Lover, a Knight International Journalism Fellow in Colombia and Renata Cabrales, social media editor at El Tiempo newspaper.
(Spanish post here)
The sunny morning of Saturday, April 14th was ideal for jogging. But rather than exercising well-trained bodies, smart minds were warming up for a good hackathon. Forty-five people, invited by Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, met in Buenos Aires to work on visualizing complex relationships across timelines and to learn about available tools to do so.
In a very pleasant atmosphere journalists, media publishers, designers, communication managers, and programmers shared plenty of empanadas and sodas, possibly in the only space of its kind in Latin America, AreaTres Soho.
(english post here)
La mañana soleada del sábado 14 de abril era ideal para salir a correr. Pero en este caso no se trataba de cuerpos bien entrenados físicamente (aunque también los había) sino más bien intelectualmente preparados para un buen hackatón. Convocados por Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires cerca de 45 personas se juntaron en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en AreaTres Soho para trabajar sobre la resolución de un problema de visualización de relaciones complejas a través de líneas de tiempos y para familiarizarse con herramientas disponibles.