We believe that software can be used to tell stories in ways unthinkable for traditional journalism. Several journalists, designers and software developers related with Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires are working on projects where they need to visualize data in time lines. We need tools to develop automatic or semi-automatic timelines that could be combined with other variables, to gather valuable insights from the data.
Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires proposes to build new applications (like this one above) that can help visualize data “over time”.
Public Journalism Club and Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia, the organizers of Hackathon[YAN] Yerevan contest which will take place on 17-18 December 2011, have received over 50 applications from teams willing to take part in the competition. 50 teams submitted projects that aim at solving the issues of Yerevan, Armenia’s capital.
Projects will be hacking issues related to health, transportation, education, environment, problems of disabled people living in the city and tourism.
(Post en español)
Yes, we have grown. Maybe too fast. Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires has reached 470 members and continues to grow. The Buenos Aires chapter, founded in April of this year, and bringing together journalists and software programmers, has realized a series of activities in this city, crossing the borders of Latin America, and finally reaching Europe. Several projects generated within that space have taken shape through collaborative efforts.
(English post)
Sí, hemos crecido. Tal vez demasiado rápido. Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires llega a casi 470 inscriptos, y sigue subiendo. El capítulo de Buenos Aires que reune periodistas y programadores de software fundado en abril de este año propuso una serie de actividades que explotaron en esta ciudad, traspasaron las fronteras por América latina, y finalmente por Europa. También han tomado forma algunos de los proyectos generados en el espacio, con esfuerto y trabajo colaborativo.
![Hacks/Hackers Hacking @ ONA11][1]
Hacks/Hackers’ first annual hack day at ONA11 brought journalists and developers together to make ideas real. We built on the success of last year’s Hacks/Hackers @ ONA hack day by bringing about 45 people together in Boston. They showed up with data sets; reporting, analysis and coding skills, and a willingness to collaborate on a wide variety of ideas. In the end, ad hoc teams hatched seven projects, of which the judges gave awards to four.
Post en español acá!
We finally did it! About 40 people (including journalists, software programmers, and militants from Argentine human rights organizations) disembarked last August 13th at the Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires hackathon, which took place within the mega-exhibition Tecnópolis. The idea was to work all day on Mapa76.info, a software project for the automatic extraction and visualization of data from text documents. The software is focused on analyzing the trials of Argentina´s last military dictatorship, which ruled between 1976 and 1983.
Post en español
Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires is announcing a hackathon (a day of programming between journalists and software developers) in order to work on Mapa76.Info, an Internet software for the automatic extraction and visualization of data from text documents. The hackathon will take place on Saturday, August 13, in the pressroom of the mega-exhibition Tecnopolis Argentina (photo) and will focus on the trials of the last military dictatorship, which are currently in progress.
English post here!**[
Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires convoca a un hackatón (una jornada de programación entre periodistas y programadores de software) con el objetivo de trabajar sobre Mapa76.Info, un software de Internet para extracción y visualización automática de datos desde documentos de texto. En este caso el hackatón sucederá el sábado 13 de agosto en la sala de prensa de la megamuestra argentina Tecnópolis (foto) y estará dedicado a los juicios de la última dictadura militar actualmente en curso.
This post is also in english
De pronto, sucedieron dos eventos con apenas una semana de diferencia: un super “Demo Day” en Buenos Aires, y un mini-hackatón en Rosario, a 300 kilómetros de la capital argentina. El alemán Malte Spitz fue la figura central del segundo Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires, encuentro entre periodistas y programadores que reunió más de 150 personas, en Areatres – Palermo Hollywood. Su presencia estuvo amenazada por las cenizas volcánicas que se esparcieron por Argentina, pero finalmente pudo llegar a contar su increíble historia de periodismo de datos.
Lea este post en español
The second meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires – Demo Day will take place on June 8, and will be followed a week later on June 15 and 16 by our first hackathon in Rosario, which is located 300 kilometers from Buenos Aires, as part ofthe 4th International Forum on Digital Journalism Rosario.
We hope to have a good turnout at both, as in the first meeting of Hacks/Hackers Buenos Aires we gathered about 140 professionals, including editors, journalists and major developers and started projects and proposals.