knight news challenge

Knight, Mozilla launch news innovation challenge

How can you not love a meeting that starts with: “There’s the pizza, beer and colored markers, go for it.”

Mozilla’s News Technology Program Manager Nathaniel James opened the April 26 Bay Area Hacks & Hackers Meetup with the world debut of the Knight-Mozilla News Innovation Challenge.

The short story from the website:

[The] partnership is a three-year initiative of the Knight Foundation and Mozilla to harness open-web innovation for journalism.

Through a series of innovation challenges and community events, we will identity 15 fellows that will be embedded in leading newsrooms around the world. These fellows will create new tools, ideas, and news experiences that benefit both readers and newsmakers—all using open technologies.

May 2, 2011

Collaborate on your Knight News Challenge ideas

We’re trying to spur ideas/collaboration among Hacks/Hackers members for the Knight News Challenge, a grant program that supports news innovation that has a Dec. 1 deadline. So far more than $20 million has been granted to dozens of projects, including, DocumentCloud, Ushahidi and MediaBugs. Who knows? Yours could be next. The News Challenge gave support to our series of hackathons across the country. Inspired by the collaboration and the people we met, we’ve created a cross-chapter Google doc where you can leave thoughts/contact information/skills.

Nov 21, 2010