
How Hacks/Hackers Rosario Made Its Map of Intentional Homicides of Rosario City

The Rosario Intentional Homicides Map 2013 is the first digital data journalism platform developed especially for publication in Rosario, Argentina, media. The platform and the map are the result of several months of intense work, exchange of ideas, information and building mutual trust between a team of journalists, designers and programmers from Hacks/Hackers Rosario (HHROS) and members from La Capital newspaper. As with all firsts, there is a story behind those who were involved and Hacks/Hackers Rosario wanted to share it with all the Hacks/Hackers community.

Apr 28, 2014

How NYPL Labs Turns Physical Data Into Digital Knowledge, a Hacks/Hackers NYC guest post

[Guest post by Dave Riordan, Product Manager, NYPL Labs] Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting and speaking at the incredible Hacks/Hackers NYC meetup, a collective of some of the most talented and interesting folks in New York with a bent toward building a better-informed citizenry through journalism, technology and design. They welcomed us and we fit right in. Rather than have myself and Ben Vershbow do our traditional dog-and-pony show (that poor, poor pony), the entire Labs team got up on stage to share some of our most interesting projects and technical investigations, several of which were shown for the first time.

Sep 16, 2013

Hacks/Hackers Amman Supports Jordanian Journalists

UNESCO’s Amman office was home to the technical day organized by Hacks/Hackers Amman Chapter with the objective to provide technology solution to different issues Jordanian journalists face. Participants included a wide range of ‘hackers’, organizations and figures in the Ammani vibrant and dynamic tech scene, including Hacks/Hackers members, the Jordan Open Source Association and different prominent local IT companies and programmers. On the other hand, journalists and professionals from media organizations like ARIJ, Alghad daily and the Amman-based private TV station Roya, fully participated at the day by expressing some of the IT-related challenges they face and by understanding how technology can be an important, even critical, part of any media strategy to be taken into account.

Oct 29, 2012

Hacks/Hackers Bogota Develops New Digital Map: Mi Bogotá Verde

Mi Bogotá Verde, a new, crowdsourced digital map that will track solid waste disposal and other garbage concerns is just a few weeks away from going online in Bogotá. Hacks/Hackers Bogotá developed this map during its first hackathon Aug. 11. We got together with the idea of putting together a general environmental map, but as is often the case with a hackathon, what comes in is not necessarily what comes out.

Aug 16, 2012

How we made our maps | Hacks/Hackers NYC

When a story is best told through a visual representation of geography, maps are often the best way of telling it. Three journalists joined Hacks/Hackers NYC to explain how they approached mapmaking for their recent projects. Slides and code from their presentations are available in this link bundle. While New York was preparing for Hurricane Irene, John Keefe, WNYC’s senior executive producer for news, decided to create a hurricane evacuation map so people could see whether or not they needed to leave their homes.

Nov 6, 2011

Stamen’s Michal Migurski shares three principles for interactive at NYC Meetup

Much to the enjoyment of the map junkies of the group, Hacks/Hackers NYC welcomed Michal Migurski, partner and resident cartography guru of interactive agency Stamen Design, to the Jan. 11 meetup. He showcased two of his “civic-oriented” projects, Oakland Crimespotting and This Tract, each aiming to make government data interactive and accessible for the public good. Migurski introduced his company and shared some of Stamen’s past work, including Digg Swarm, which represented online buzz following the reported death of Saddam Hussein.

Jan 16, 2011

Stamen’s Michal Migurski shares three principles for interactive at NYC Meetup

Much to the enjoyment of the map junkies of the group, Hacks/Hackers NYC welcomed Michal Migurski, partner and resident cartography guru of interactive agency Stamen Design, to the Jan. 11 meetup. He showcased two of his “civic-oriented” projects, Oakland Crimespotting and This Tract, each aiming to make government data interactive and accessible for the public good. Migurski introduced his company and shared some of Stamen’s past work, including Digg Swarm, which represented online buzz following the reported death of Saddam Hussein.

Jan 16, 2011