New York Times

Hacks/Hackers NYC: Wikileaks – Data Science & Data Journalism

When WikiLeaks released the Afghanistan and Iraq war logs, news organizations and the public alike sprang into action to understand the documents. The New York Times was instrumental in analyzing and reporting the story in articles, photographs, maps and graphic information. Meanwhile, several local hackers worked on their own data visualizations and were featured soon after on Wired, NPR and the New York Times. RSVP now to join Hacks/Hackers NYC on March 9 at New Work City to learn how the analyses were done, the importance of independent validation checks on data, and see further examples of their work.

Feb 20, 2011

Hacks/Hackers goes nationwide

I’m excited to announce that we’re joining forces with some industry leaders working at the intersection of journalism and technology to help expand Hacks/Hackers into a wider community. Rich Gordon, associate professor and director of digital innovation at the Medill School of Journalism, and Aron Pilhofer, editor of Interactive News Technologies at The New York Times, will be helping to build Hacks/Hackers. We all felt this is the right idea at the right time, and look forward to bringing our different perspectives on the issue to help foster this community.

Mar 10, 2010