
How Hacks/Hackers Rosario Made Its Map of Intentional Homicides of Rosario City

The Rosario Intentional Homicides Map 2013 is the first digital data journalism platform developed especially for publication in Rosario, Argentina, media. The platform and the map are the result of several months of intense work, exchange of ideas, information and building mutual trust between a team of journalists, designers and programmers from Hacks/Hackers Rosario (HHROS) and members from La Capital newspaper. As with all firsts, there is a story behind those who were involved and Hacks/Hackers Rosario wanted to share it with all the Hacks/Hackers community.

Apr 28, 2014

Recap of Hacks/Hackers NYC Demo Day: Lots of Raphael

The New York City chapter of Hacks/Hackers met last Wednesday, December 3rd for Demo Day at the generously donated space, New Work City. The pizza was delicious and the place was packed. People had to raise their hands if there was an empty seat. Let’s time travel back to Wednesday, December 1, 2010 – at 8pm-ish, and learn what these folks are up to.

Dec 8, 2010