
Poynter/Hacks/Hackers Series Launched, Looking for Writers

Today we’re launching a new Hacks/Hackers series on Poynter. Each week we’ll feature a How To on new tools and emerging trends in technology. The first in the series is Katharine Jarmul, @kjam, on finding and using good APIs for data. You can check it out here. Robert Hernandez, @webjournalist, and I, @bethdavidz, are putting together the series with the help Poynter’s Mallary Tenore, @mallarytenore, our incredible editor.

Aug 8, 2011

Win a Scholarship to Poynter’s News Applications Seminar

For the second year in a row, Hacks/Hackers and The Poynter Institute are offering one full scholarship (a $895 value!) to attend Building News Applications With Data, a three-day seminar in St. Petersburg, Fla. Apply with this Google form. The seminar takes place Aug. 17-19, 2011. Faculty includes Hacks/Hackers co-founder Aron Pilhofer of The New York Times; John Keefe of Senior Executive Producer for News at WNYC, New York Public Radio; and Matt Waite, professor of journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and designer of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact at the St.

Jul 12, 2011

Return from Poynter’s Programming Seminar, Thanks to Hacks/Hackers

The following is a guest post by Corey Takahashi, who attended a Poynter seminar for journalists and programming through a scholarship provided with Hacks/Hackers. The key lesson I learned at Poynter’s first seminar on programming and journalism is how much overlap there already is between these two worlds, and the extent to which old-school reporting is at the heart of some of the industry’s most successful and innovative news apps and online features.

Sep 15, 2010

Congratulations Corey Takahashi: Winner of the Hacks/Hackers scholarship to Poynter

We’re delighted to announce that freelance journalist Corey Takahashi is the winner of the Hacks/Hackers scholarship to Poynter’s workshop on programming for journalists / journalism for programming. Based in Los Angeles, Corey is planning to apply the digital skills from the Poynter workshop to revisit demographic trends that he wrote about during the 2000 Census through a data-focused lens. As part of his trip, Corey also will create a video reflecting on what he learns at the workshop and lessons from bringing together the cultures of journalism and programming — and we’ll be sure to post that here.

Jul 28, 2010