question and answer

Journocoders? Hacker journalists? Whatever the name, let’s help each other out!

For months now, Aron Pilhofer and I have been talking about a Web site where people doing computer programming in journalism could ask and answer questions, solve each other’s problems and, in general, build a supportive community. Somewhere along the way, someone said to me, “You mean, like Stack Overflow?” I went to visit the site — a thriving support community for software developers — and it looked very much like what we had in mind.

Apr 18, 2010

Asking better questions gets better answers: Interview2010

Asking the right questions is critical in getting compelling answers from sources, as all reporters know. A problem with online comments is that they are often unfocused and off-topic given the open nature of many commenting systems. Asking the right questions is critical in getting compelling answers from sources, as all reporters know. Yahoo! researcher Yury Lifshits has built a tool called Interview2010 that aims to help get better answers from readers through a structured question and answer system.

Feb 28, 2010