Gustavo Faleiros

Hacks/Hackers São Paulo: The First Hackathon

Developers and journalists gather for the first Hacks/Hackers São Paulo hackathon. Hacks/Hackers São Paulo held its first hackathon on Oct. 20 during the W3C Brazil Conference, alongside the 2012 PERL international community conference. The hackathon, which drew about 50 people, happened during, an important gathering of the tech community in Brazil. The hackathon attracted a large number of developers and a few journalists. Nevertheless the mix was right, as journalists helped different groups with their data mining skills.

Nov 4, 2012

Hacks/Hackers São Paulo holds its first hackathon 20 October

Members of Hacks/Hackers São Paulo meet to discuss MySQL and plan their first hackathon. Hacks/Hackers São Paulo — launched in July as the first group in Brazil — will hold its first hackathon 20 October during the W3C Brazil Conference and alongside the 2012 international PERL community conference. The event will bring the most active participants from previous meetings together to present their ideas for hacking relevant datasets and building useful applications for journalism and news-related technologies.

Oct 1, 2012

Hacks/Hackers São Paulo covers mobile, data and freedom of information July 16

Credit: Alexandre Diniz/Prefeitura de São Paulo São Paulo, the most populous city and a thriving cultural hub in South America, will host the first Hacks/Hackers chapter in Brazil. A group of journalists involved with the National Association of Investigative Journalism – Abraji, led by Knight International Fellow of the International Center for Journalists, Gustavo Faleiros, is organizing the first meeting along with Everton Alvarenga, from the Open Knowlege Foundation in Brazil, and 3 other representatives from the W3C local office .

Jul 10, 2012