
Twin Cities: Hacked! – Why You Should Care about Privacy in Social Media

by Ron Schreiner copyright 2011 all rights reserved A review of “Hacked! – Why You Should Care About Privacy in Social Media” by Hacks and Hackers Twin Cities ( Disclaimer: I was one of the discussion panelists during this event ) Are Journalists (“Hacks”) and the digital literati of the computer culture (“Hackers”) so different from one another when it comes to (what? Pursuing Freedom of information? Transparency?)?

Aug 11, 2011

Hacks/Hackers Twin Cities chapter kickoff draws Hundred-Person crowd.

The event Friday night was crowded, fun and fascinating. We had about a hundred people and our guest, Matt Thompson, gave a provocative talk on what needs changing in media. The reviews from the crew were positive, and we look forward to the next event. Thanks to all that came! [View the story “Hacks/Hackers Twin Cities Kickoff” on Storify] [View the story “Hacks/Hackers Twin Cities Kickoff” on Storify]

May 2, 2011

Introducing Hacks/Hackers Twin Cities! #hhtc

Public Radio International and Minne* are joining forces to launch the Twin Cities Chapter of Hacks/Hackers. We are excited to have our fledgling chapter join the good company of chapters spreading from the Bay Area to NYC, to Buenos Aires. We’ll have a kick-off happy hour at PRI’s new headquarters on Friday, April 22 at 5:30 p.m. and we’ve invited Matt Thompson, formerly of the Star Tribune and now at NPR, to talk about data overload, the twilight of news brands and more.

Apr 15, 2011