Hacks/Hackers Zurich meet-up #2 – Why Do You Go To Meet-ups Anyway?
Tonight was the second edition of Hacks/Hackers Zurich #HHZrh. That means 2h30 in a train for me. Twice. So why?
Tonight was the second edition of Hacks/Hackers Zurich #HHZrh. That means 2h30 in a train for me. Twice. So why?
On Wednesday, Nov. 27, Hacks/Hackers Zurich kicked off as the first local Hacks/Hackers group in Switzerland. Sixteen people of various backgrounds met at Maison Blunt, a tearoom in Zurich’s lively quarter of «Kreis 5». The plan for this first meetup was to get to know each other, understand our experience and expectations, and to collect ideas for building this small community from the ground up. We want to make Hacks/Hackers Zurich the right place to connect journalism to technology, ideas to capabilities and, most importantly, people to people.
Hello everyone! We’d like to announce the launch of Hacks/Hackers Zurich — a chance to get to know fellow hacks and hackers in an informal setting and plan out possibilities for future meet-ups! This first Swiss chapter is launched with the support of Laurian Gridinoc (@gridinoc), Sylke Gruhnwald (@SylkeGruhnwald) and Benjamin Wiederkehr (@datavis). We are busy preparing the first event scheduled sometime during the month of November. Please join in the ride and share your thoughts and ideas with us.