London 5/28 Design Jam by Mozilla, Knight, the Guardian, and Hacks/Hackers London
Suggest editsDo you have ideas for how news and journalism can be edgier, cooler, and more interactive online? Are you a web developer? A designer? A news junkie with a hankering to hack?
If so, join Mozilla, Knight Foundation, Hacks/Hackers London & The Guardian, on May 28 in London for an all-day brainstorm and design jam about the future of journalism online.
Qualify directly for a yearlong paid fellowship at the Guardian, the BBC and other major news outlets by entering your idea during the jam.
Team up with innovative peers and build prototypes that help journalists take advantage of the open web and engage with citizens in new ways.
Beer and pizza included.
For more info on the challenges, check out: Mozilla Journalism (#MoJo)
Follow @KnightMozilla on Twitter.
_ Guardian – Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG (map)
Transport: Kings Cross or St. Pancras
_09:00am – Doors open
_ 10:00am – Welcome and Innovation Talks
Meet the fellow participants and learn about the Knight-Mozilla News Innovation Challenges and fresh projects from the Guardian, Hacks/Hackers, and others.
- Paul Lewis, Special Projects Editor at Guardian, speaking about Twitter and tracking down witnesses
- Alastair Dant, Lead Interactive Technologist at Guardian
- Mark Surman, Mozilla Foundation Executive Director, speaking about on Knight-Mozilla News Innovation Challenges
Q&A with the Guardian Team:
- Sean Clark, Special Projects Editor at Guardian
- Daithi O’Crualaoich, Software Developer for
11:00am – Brainstorm and Design Jam
Brainstorm around three news challenges:
- Unlocking Video: Tell stories better w/ video online
- Beyond Comment Threads: Re-invent commenting and discussion
- People-Powered News: *******What would you build to make news better for the people who create and read it*?****
Enter your ideas for a shot at a paid one year fellowship at the Guardian, BBC, and other news outlets.
1:00pm – Lunch on the house
2:00pm – Innovation Talks II
- Jonathan Austin, BBC Journalism Labs
- Joanna Geary, The Times and Hacks/Hackers London
2:30pm – Brainstorm and Design Jam Continue
Continue jamming on the three news challenges and demo prototypes.
4:00pm – Submit ideas and socialize at the Guardian
Enter your submission to the Knight Mozilla News Innovation Challenge. Grab a beer and enjoy the crowd. _
Organized by:
Knight Foundation]2[
Hacks/Hackers London]3