
Hacks/Hackers Hong Kong first meeting

On a chilly Hong Kong night, not long before Christmas, about 20 hacks and hackers gathered in a busy bar to toast the first meeting of our local group. It was a casual, get-to-know-each-other type of meeting. The vibe was buzzing as a bunch of print, broadcast and multimedia journalists met with designers, programmers and a few students from HKU’s journalism school. People expressed excitement and enthusiasm to get the group up and running, and to more drinks in the name of data driven journalism.

Mar 9, 2014

Hacks/Hackers Asunción Kickoff

The global network that works for the future of journalism has found its niche in Asunción, Paraguay’s capital, since May of this year. With the support and enthusiasm of Web developers, designers, journalists, communicators, and professionals from different fields, Hacks/Hackers Asunción has launched its first activities eager to build an active community of innovators ready to take journalism to the next level. In order to spread the concept of data journalism — relatively new in Paraguay — and to discuss the implications of this emerging field, a number of introductory workshops with journalists have marked the initial stages of Hacks/Hackers Asunción.

Jan 28, 2014

Hacks/Hackers llega a Asunción para innovar el periodismo local

La red global que trabaja por el futuro del periodismo encontró su nicho en Asunción, la capital de Paraguay, desde mayo de este año. Con el apoyo y el interés de desarrolladores Web, diseñadores, periodistas, comunicadores, y profesionales de diversas disciplinas, Hacks/Hackers Asu ha iniciado sus primeras actividades con miras a crear una comunidad activa de innovadores dispuestos a romper esquemas tradicionales y llevar el periodismo a un nuevo nivel.

Jan 28, 2014

New Delhi: Digital Stories Around Indian Women’s Rights

From Dec. 7-8, 2013, activists, journalists, researchers, and coders met up at 91springboard in New Delhi to look at data about women’s rights in India, and find ways to create apps and multimedia stories that talked about women’s experiences in ways they hadn’t been talked about before. Our five teams looked at diverse data. Below, what they worked on. The homepage of their project: [AudioGroup] One group picked up audio data from the rural mobile social network company, Gram Vaani — in which women from outlying towns and villages recorded audio clips about their experiences with early marriage (before the age of 18).

Jan 27, 2014

Hacks/Hackers Zurich Meetup #1

On Wednesday, Nov. 27, Hacks/Hackers Zurich kicked off as the first local Hacks/Hackers group in Switzerland. Sixteen people of various backgrounds met at Maison Blunt, a tearoom in Zurich’s lively quarter of «Kreis 5». The plan for this first meetup was to get to know each other, understand our experience and expectations, and to collect ideas for building this small community from the ground up. We want to make Hacks/Hackers Zurich the right place to connect journalism to technology, ideas to capabilities and, most importantly, people to people.

Dec 5, 2013

Hacks/Hackers Dublin is rebooted

Hacks and Hackers crammed into the intimate surroundings of the Library Bar at the Central Hotel in Dublin city centre for the rebooted of Hacks/Hackers Dublin on September 16th. The enthusiastic crowd were joined by some international guests – Andy Carvin of NPR who is famous for his unique methods of covering the news on Twitter and Amanda Michel of The Guardian (US) – fresh from a media conference at Dublin City University, as well as representatives from local media companies The Irish Times, thejournal.

Nov 28, 2013

Hacks/Hackers Zurich Kickoff

Hello everyone! We’d like to announce the launch of Hacks/Hackers Zurich — a chance to get to know fellow hacks and hackers in an informal setting and plan out possibilities for future meet-ups! This first Swiss chapter is launched with the support of Laurian Gridinoc (@gridinoc), Sylke Gruhnwald (@SylkeGruhnwald) and Benjamin Wiederkehr (@datavis). We are busy preparing the first event scheduled sometime during the month of November. Please join in the ride and share your thoughts and ideas with us.

Sep 30, 2013

How NYPL Labs Turns Physical Data Into Digital Knowledge, a Hacks/Hackers NYC guest post

[Guest post by Dave Riordan, Product Manager, NYPL Labs] Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting and speaking at the incredible Hacks/Hackers NYC meetup, a collective of some of the most talented and interesting folks in New York with a bent toward building a better-informed citizenry through journalism, technology and design. They welcomed us and we fit right in. Rather than have myself and Ben Vershbow do our traditional dog-and-pony show (that poor, poor pony), the entire Labs team got up on stage to share some of our most interesting projects and technical investigations, several of which were shown for the first time.

Sep 16, 2013