Introducing Hacks/Hackers Twin Cities! #hhtc
Suggest editsPublic Radio International and Minne* are joining forces to launch the Twin Cities Chapter of Hacks/Hackers. We are excited to have our fledgling chapter join the good company of chapters spreading from the Bay Area to NYC, to Buenos Aires.

We’ll have a kick-off happy hour at PRI’s new headquarters on Friday, April 22 at 5:30 p.m. and we’ve invited Matt Thompson, formerly of the Star Tribune and now at NPR, to talk about data overload, the twilight of news brands and more.
Please help us spread the word to your networks at
Hope to see you on Friday, April 22 at PRI on the top floor at 401 2nd Ave. N, Minneapolis 55401 (a peanut bag’s throw from the Twins stadium.)
Michael Skoler, PRI
Ben Edwards, Minne*
Luke Francl, Minne*
For more info, follow @HacksHackersTC, contact or call Peter Edstrom at 651-472-5206.